transportation icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
transportation copied to clipboard

node.js module to display and manipulate public transport data


Import GTFS data into a semantic model



npm install transportation


var Transit = require('transportation')
var transit = new Transit()

// import GTFS data
transit.importGTFS('/path/to/gtfs/dir', function (err) {
  // have a look at the Transit instance

transportation provides a replacement for node's console by using tconsole, so you can inspect the objects in the node.js REPL by using require('transportation/console'):

> var konsole = require('transportation/console')
> konsole(transit)
│ Agencies   │ SWU │
│ # Stops    │ 773 │
│ # Services │ 14  │
│ # Shapes   │ 65  │
> konsole(transit.agencies.SWU.routes)
│ ID    │ Short Name │ Long Name                                     │ # Trips │
│ 87001 │ 1          │ Söflingen–Böfingen                            │ 613     │
│ 87003 │ 3          │ Wiblingen (Alte Siedlung)–Wissenschaftsstadt  │ 649     │
│ 87004 │ 4          │ Grimmelfingen–Kuhberg–Böfingen Süd            │ 590     │

Command Line

npm install -g transportation

transportation provides a binary transportation. It supports the following commands.

Export Vehicles' Positions as GeoJSON

Prints all vehicles' positions of a specific date as GeoJSON linestrings with time components:

transportation positions /path/to/gtfs/dir

By default multiple trips are simply newline-separated GeoJSON to support streaming. If you want to return a single JSON array use the --array flag. Additional options are available via transportation positions --help. The generated GeoJSON LineString has its time property set as an array of timestamps and is therefore compatible with tools like LeafletPlayback and others.