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Wikidata lexemes presentations
Concept link overlap matrix, e.g., by a tree map: ```sparql #defaultView:TreeMap SELECT # ?language1 ?language1Label # ?language2 ?language2Label (COUNT(?concept) AS ?count) { ?concept ^wdt:P5137 / ^ontolex:sense ?lexeme1, ?lexeme2 . ?lexeme1...
Aspect for property does not work for non-URI values, eg., https://tools.wmflabs.org/ordia/property/P5187
Service for various language mining, e.g., persons with a surname that matches the past participle form of a Danish verb: ```SPARQL SELECT (COUNT(?person) AS ?count) ?lexeme ?lemma ?surname (SAMPLE(?person) AS...
```SPARQL SELECT DISTINCT ?form1 ?word1 ?form2 ?word2 (COUNT(DISTINCT ?grammatical_feature) + COUNT(DISTINCT ?lexical_category) + COUNT(DISTINCT ?value) + COUNT(DISTINCT ?concept_property) AS ?score) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT STR(?grammatical_feature)) AS ?f1) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT STR(?lexical_category)) AS ?f2) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT STR(?value))...
``` SELECT * WHERE { ?lexeme ontolex:sense ?sense . ?lexeme dct:language wd:Q9035 . ?sense wdt:P18 ?image . } ``` http://tinyurl.com/ybh6tde7
Grammar checking in SPARQL? With a simple nominal phrase: "en lille mand": ```SPARQL SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) ?o ?oLabel WHERE { VALUES ?word { wd:L2022-F1 # en wd:L34834-F1 # lille...
The application does not show well on a mobile phone: - [x] First line break in three lines - [ ] dataTables break the header.
```SPARQL SELECT ?language ?languageLabel ?monday ?mondayLabel ?tuesday ?tuesdayLabel ?wednesday ?wednesdayLabel ?thursday ?thursdayLabel ?friday ?fridayLabel ?saturday ?saturdayLabel ?sunday ?sundayLabel WHERE { VALUES (?monday_concept ?tuesday_concept ?wednesday_concept ?thursday_concept ?friday_concept ?saturday_concept ?sunday_concept) { (wd:Q105...
Search for items rather than just lemmas and forms.