Fabian Neumann

Results 120 issues of Fabian Neumann

## Checklist - [x] I am using the current [`master`](https://github.com/pypsa/pypsa/tree/master) branch. ## Describe the Bug When a time-dependent variable, in this case n.links_t.p2 is all 0., the whole table is...


- [ ] TYNDP models https://2022.entsos-tyndp-scenarios.eu/download/ - [ ] PLEXOS world https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/CBYXBY - [ ] ERAA ENTSO-E https://www.entsoe.eu/outlooks/eraa/2021/eraa-downloads/index.html - [ ] CORE-TSO https://github.com/fneum/core-tso-data/ - [ ] EMMA https://github.com/emma-model/EMMA


Closes # (if applicable). ## Changes proposed in this Pull Request Adds marginal cost on storage unit and store energy filling level. TODO - [ ] native variant - [...

i.e. - Tom's courses: https://nworbmot.org/teaching.html - Fabian's course: https://fneum.github.io/data-science-for-esm/intro.html


Provide an easy way to calculate the carbon intensity of components after optimisation. Common units: g/kWh, kg/MWh, t/MWh For generators: ```py n.generators_t.p / n.generators.efficiency * n.generators.carrier.map(n.carriers.co2_emissions) ``` Needs to be...


like PLEXOS https://www.semcommittee.com/sites/semc/files/media-files/SEM-20-004%20SEM%20PLEXOS%20Validation%20%282019-2025%29%20and%20Backcast%20Report.pdf Section 3.4


## Describe the feature you'd like to see *Please give a clear and concise description and provide context why the feature would be useful.* *Also, we'd appreciate any implementation ideas...


@Parisra can you add the source you mentioned?


i.e. same state of charge once a day, config: ```yaml storage_cyclicity: home battery: 24 battery: 24 rural water tanks: 24 urban decentral water tanks: 24 ``` where value represents number...
