
Results 38 comments of Frederick

There is which is mostly an interface to but its not 1.0 yet.

Also, the error reports a different expected cardinality than the one that was used in the parse message.

Is there more that should be said about this setting?

You can install version 2 of the server using `apt install edgedb-2`. Then follow the rest of the [bare metal deployment guide]( like you did before for version 1.

I can't reproduce the OP's error following the current fly deployment guide. At the time of writing the `edgedb/edgedb:latest` points to `2.0`. Perhaps something was fixed since version `1.2`?

@riolly what do your server logs look like? Can you give us the output from `flyctl logs --app $EDB_APP`

It looks like we are missing at least the following: ``` t.__add__(other: edgedb.Tuple) -> edgedb.Tuple t.__mul__(other: int) -> edgedb.Tuple t.__rmul__(other: int) -> edgedb.Tuple t.__getitem__(key: slice) -> any t.index(value: any, start:...

If I remember correctly the plan is to no longer use implicit `id`s in this driver so `Object.__eq__` should probably change to mimic tuples. Does this sound right?

I have never touched a c extension before :/

> We'll still have to have `edgedb.NamedTuple` fwiw, but I don't see any support of new slicing capabilities added to it. Why? I had never worked on a C extension...