embedded-redis copied to clipboard
The runner has to be specified separately
While running this on OS X I get java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: resource redis-server-3.0.7-darwin not found.
I think this bug was introduced in this fork, and does not exist in the original project.
Yes, I removed all binaries from the library itself as it can be complicated to choose which version of redis the lib needs to keep in sync with (latest ? 3.0 ?). So it's not really a bug per se, but I can see it being confusing. Would that help if the mention in the README would be accentuated ? It is currently the first bullet point of the first paragraph but doesn't have its own title.
Hey! Thanks for quick response.
If we are removing the binaries from the library, it might be helpful to add other sub projects that contain the different versions of the binaries. This is very useful since an embedded Redis server will often be used for writing integration tests only, and adding the binary as a resource to the project does not make a lot of sense. IMHO, it is much more useful to have your library importing that with itself.
That's an interesting idea.
So with the current main package eu.monniot.redis:embedded-redis:x.y.z
without redis binaries, the library would also have eu.monniot.redis:embedded-redis-3.2.8:x.y.z
and a eu.monniot.redis:embedded-redis-3.0.7:x.y.z
I would need a way to run the core lib tests' in all subproject with their own binaries and a way to easily push the lib to jCenter though. If it can be automated why not.
How about a multi project build? https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-multiple-modules.html
That looks promising. I'll take a look this weekend, I don't have much time to myself before then.
+1 on bundling binaries for integration tests - for example, Redis support was recently added to https://github.com/lukas-krecan/ShedLock and requiring users to have specific versions of Redis installed (including CI) is a barrier.
+1 I have the same situation as ChetanBhasin, we need embedded-redis for integration testing only, so this will save us a lot of work when setting it up.
There is a version with an embedded redis 3.0.7 published on https://bintray.com/fmonniot/maven. I didn't edit the README or made a public announced because I have some problem with Travis (see issue #7) and I won't have much time to work on it in a foreseeable future.
So yeah, if someone with some gradle/travis knowledge can take a look, it would be much appreciated. Otherwise you could just take a look at the published JAR (and the code to generate it is in this repo too)
Sorry for not answering a bit sooner.
Thank you, it seems to be working well :)