Miguel Gamboa de Carvalho

Results 18 issues of Miguel Gamboa de Carvalho

The core `org.xmlet.htmlapifaster.ElementVisitor` implementation in `HtmlFlow` is the class `HtmlVisitorCache` (which in turn should drop the sufix `Cache`, because caching it is not its real purpose but only storing static...



Use JavaPoet to enhance safety on flowifier code.


Regarding the sample spring application https://github.com/xmlet/spring-petclinic already integrated with HtmlFlow, enhance it with a ViewResolver. This resolver must obey with the strongly typed approach of HtmlFlow and avoid String to...


The upcoming paper about HtmlFlow includes a couple of use cases comparing dialects between Thymeleaf and HtmlFlow, which should be included here in documentation.

`HtmlTemplate` instances can be processed before-hand with a mock model object (through a dynamic proxy) that intercepts all calls. Thus, all static parts can be processed and stored on call...

Support some how load an existing HTML source and then proceed with HtmlFlow on a given element.


Add `writeAsync(AsynchronousSocketChannel)` to `HtmlView` API

I already completed the implementation of Lesson 8 Isomorphic and apparently it is everything running fine when I test the program via browser. I also understand instruction when it says:...

Add support to LICM ( _lightweight identification of captured memory_ ), which is a new lightweight runtime technique to identify _captured memory_ (memory allocated inside its allocating transaction), for which...