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Enhancement Request: Todo.txt Backend for Tasks
This could potentially be useful for some people, I am planning to look through the backend code to see what it would take to implement this but I'm not entirely sure. So I figured why not put in an enhancement request for it as well as a question..
Are there any methods that I must implement to create a task backend and is there a backend for tasks that I can use as a sort of sample?
Your backend should implement BackendDiff functions. And for samples, you should look into Zarafa, since it's the only backend with Task support.
Thank you for the information. I'll go ahead and start looking into that.
Kolab has a roundcube plugin with sql backend to do the Tasks (http://git.kolab.org/roundcubemail-plugins-kolab/tree/plugins/tasklist). Maybe you can use their sql tables to store the syncronized tasks :)
Hello: as far as I can see, tasks/reminders/todos is already implemented. Are you talking about "Notes" perhaps? I addressed this in https://github.com/fmbiete/Z-Push-contrib/issues/65
Basically, the best would be to use the same implementation as Mail.app which stores the notes in a special folder on the imap server. I do have a read-only implementation, I will try to upload it ASAP: no need for a database ;-)
I did notice that BackendIMAP has Tasks/Reminders/Todos implemented but I seem to be having some issues with the implementation on my end.
I have tasks set in my configuration but for some reason, they refuse to show up in my phone's EAS-based Tasks app, if I create a task on the phone, I see it in the Tasks application in OwnCloud, but not the other way around (though this is probably due to some quirk in the tasks application that I'm not noticing.
Either way, I wanted to make a backend for Todo.txt so that I could synchronize my task list with other machines that don't have clients that support the Mail.app implementation of tasks, and be able to open it in the form of a text document if I need to do so (say from the CLI of my machine or even the apps that support it on Windows.)
I do however think this is a problem with my configuration as the Sync Tasks checkbox on my Android device continuously shows the sync symbol beside the enable/disable checkbox which is something neither of the other parts of the account show.