Fabien Maussion

Results 244 comments of Fabien Maussion

The name of your lon/lat coordinates wasn't in the list of accepted coords. Can you try latest master and let me know if that works? ``` pip install git+https://github.com/fmaussion/salem.git ```

Hi @Irene-GM , thanks for the report. In order for salem to understand the grid of your file, it must be able to parse the projection information out of the...

What happens if you do: ```python ds = xr.open_dataset(path_in_nc) # Since I have many bands, I am extracting only one ugs = ds.ugs.isel(time=225) ugs.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = '+proj=lcc +lat_1=51.967 +lat_0=51.967 +lon_0=4.9 +k_0=1...

For the attribute setting problem, see: https://salem.readthedocs.io/en/latest/xarray_acc.html#keeping-track-of-attributes Basically you are going to have to keep track of the attributes, a behavior I would like to change in a future version...

If you want me to have a look, please share your data (modified if you want). For example: ```python ds = xr.open_dataset(path_in_nc) ds = ds[['lon', 'lat']] ds.to_netcdf('simplified_data.nc') ``` would be...

Hi, one of the reasons salem can't read your data is that the dimension and coordinate names are not standard (`gridlat_0`, why a `0`?), i.e. I would have to hardcode...

@sbr-5260 how did you create `ds`? it's likely that the `ds.PBLH.groupby('time.hour').mean().isel(hour = 23)` operation is discarding the attributes that salem needs to construct the grid.

> @sbr-5260 how did you create ds?

@sbr-5260 OK, this might be useful: https://salem.readthedocs.io/en/v0.2.3/xarray_acc.html#keeping-track-of-attributes