Fabien Maussion
Fabien Maussion
The current design of the tool does not really allow this, but it shouldn't be too difficult to implement. Since it's just about the graphical representation, one should create N+1...
Thanks for reaching out! As far as I was aware, these "netcdf mocks" I wrote used to be supported by dask. All the `@requires_dask` marked tests [here](https://github.com/fmaussion/salem/blob/master/salem/tests/test_misc.py) do use dask,...
Maybe you two can reach out in the Pangeo discourse to gain momentum. My experience however is that you'll need one or two highly motivated people able to work on...
Hi Bea, can you please share a data file? (ideally not too big)
Thanks for the report. > this projection is the most common projection for NetCDF data Yes, but definitely not for WRF data. I actually hear of someone using this projection...
Thanks for the details! Looks quite right to me yes. > I cannot convert it to usable salem code, sorry OK, then we'll see if someone else wants to pick...
Thanks for the contribution! Have you made a pull-request before? The idea would be to fork salem and then open a PR to the main (master) branch: https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests/about-pull-requests
Mh, that's really weird but did you try this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18204782/runtimeerror-on-windows-trying-python-multiprocessing
@mullenkamp thanks. No, I don't plan to delete that code anymore. Salem has been on a low-key "maintenance mode" since a couple of years now and is still actively used...
Thanks for your message! Yes I am aware of wrf-python, but I didn't know about pangaea for WRF output files. wrf-python definitely is the way to go forward here (much...