
Results 49 comments of fmartinou

Hi @marcusique , Thank you for the feedback 👍 I wait for @jurgenf confirmation that the fix is also working for him, then I'll merge it 😃

Hi @tam481 , Can I challenge the requirement? Can you explain why you need this? Currently all config properties come from Env vars, which complies with the [12-factor app recommendations](

Hi, Using `curl`you should be able to pass basic auth credentials using ``` curl -u "login:password" http://wud... ``` Isn't it working?

Hi, Can you set set the log level to DEBUG and restart the app to see if, by chance, more details are printed?

Hi, Your configuration looks good. Can you enable the [debug logs]( to get more details on what happens?

Hi, Under home-assistant, tydom sensors are not associated to devices so you cannot see them via the "devices" page. If you directly go to the "entities" page, can you see...

Est-ce que tu as bien un broker Mqtt qui fonctionne et si oui, est-il bien configuré côté home-assistant ? Si oui, avec un outil de visualisation des topics Mqtt,...

Par défaut, l'intégration `MQTT` de HA n'est pas active ; il faut l'activer soi-même. Tu l'as fait ? ![image](

Dans le champ `broker`, il faut mettre le hostname ou l'adresse IP de mosquito. Je ne peux pas te donner la valeur exacte à mettre car elle dépend de comment...