mkdocs-blog-plugin icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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This plugin for MkDocs allows to keeps a really simple blog section inside your documentation site.

« Blogs for MkDocs » (MkDocs-Blog-Plugin)

| This plugin allows you to host a tiny blog section in your MkDocs site. | Move away, WordPress... well, not really.

.. image::

How does it work ?

| It's quite simple. 90% of the work is already done by
  MkDocs itself.
| Each time you will build your MkDocs site or serve it,
  this plugin will try to find a specific directory
  in your documentation folder.
  If it finds it, every document and every subdirectory
  nested in it will be listed in reverse on the navbar.
  Plus, if you will have too many documents to be listed
  at once, the plugin will try to organize your remaining
  documents in subfolders.

How can I install it ?

| You can install it through pip with this command:

.. code:: sh

pip install mkdocs-blog-plugin

| Then, open your mkdocs.yml configuration file and add these lines:

.. code:: yaml

    - blog

| Last but not least, enter you docs folder and create a new subfolder and name it blog. This plugin will try to find blog articles inside this directory.

Then you are ready to begin.

How can I add new articles to my blog section ?

| Inside ``docs/blog`` create a folder for each
  year you are planning to add new articles.
  Then, inside each year folder create twelve
  folders, numbered from ``01`` to ``12`` for each
  month. Finally, in each month folder for each day
  create a corresponding folder but remember to add
  a leading zero (for example: ``08``, ``09``, ``10``, ...)
  Now, for every article you will go inside
  the corresponding \`year/month/day folder and you
  will create a new file there.
  While it is not necessary that you keep this
  strict naming convention, this will help the plugin
  to understand when your article was made.

| For example, this is how I manage my blog folder:

.. code:: sh

    ├── blog
    │   ├── 2019
    │   └── 2020
    │       ├── 01
    │       │   ├── 20
    │       │   │   └──
    │       │   └── 26
    │       │       └──
    │       ├── 02
    │       │   ├── 01
    │       │   │   └──
    │       │   └── 09
    │       │       └──
    │       └── 03
    │           └── 16
    │               └──

Customizing the plugins

| You can customize this plugin by adding some parameters
  in the ``mkdocs.yml`` file, like this:

.. code:: yaml

    - plugin:
          - blog:
              format: "(%m/%d/%y)"
              text-align: "right"

| Here is a brief list of every parameters supported
  by the current version of the plugin:


| This is the section / folder in which we'll try to
  build our blog

    Default value: "blog"


| How many articles do we have to display on our blog
  at once? More articles will be displayed in the
  corresponding subsection

    Default value: 6 articles


| Let's allow our user to slightly customize the
  "previous articles" section. How do we have to name
  this section if it will contains more articles?
  Remember to put a percentage character wherever you
  want this plugin to insert the number of available

    Default value: "More articles (%)"


| Which name do we have to give to each subsection
  inside our "more articles" section?
  Remember to put two percentage characters wherever you
  want this plugin to insert the actual number page and
  the total amount of pages made.

    Default value: Page % of %"


| Can we display the previous articles section, or is it
  better if we hide it?

    Default: True


| Can we display the article date in the navbar, or is it
  better if we hide it?

    Default: True


| How we have to display an article publication date on
  our navbar?
| You can use these placeholders inside your string:

-  ``%d`` = Day
-  ``%m`` = Month
-  ``%y`` = Year (2-digits)
-  ``%Y`` = Year (4-digits)


    Default value: "[%d/%m]"


| Do we have to display an article publication date on
  the left side (``"left"``) or on the right side

    Default value: "left"