pcap2json icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pcap2json copied to clipboard

Getting "Unknown command line option" when using the pcap2json utility

Open ashuvaid opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments


Need help in execution of the below command line to Upload packet data directly into Elastic stack. Getting "Unknown command line option" when using the pcap2json utility.

I have cloned the project on a Ubuntu 20.04 VM. and used make command to build the pcap2json utility. Let me know if anything is amiss.

root@es7:~/pcap2json# cat /etc/os-release NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION="20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)" ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS" VERSION_ID="20.04" HOME_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/" SUPPORT_URL="https://help.ubuntu.com/" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy" VERSION_CODENAME=focal UBUNTU_CODENAME=focal

root@es7:~/pcap2json# cat /home/student/ELK/http.cap | ./pcap2json --json-packet --capture-name http --output-espush --es-compress --es-host pcap2json https://www.github/fmadio/pcap2json build:Mar 31 2023 06:07:57 [--json-packet] Write JSON Packet meta data [--capture-name] Unknown command line option [--capture-name] root@es7:~/pcap2json# cat /home/student/ELK/http.cap | ./pcap2json --json-packet --output-espush --es-compress --es-host pcap2json https://www.github/fmadio/pcap2json build:Mar 31 2023 06:07:57 [--json-packet] Write JSON Packet meta data [--output-espush] Unknown command line option [--output-espush] root@es7:~/pcap2json# cat /home/student/ELK/http.cap | ./pcap2json --json-packet --es-compress --es-host pcap2json https://www.github/fmadio/pcap2json build:Mar 31 2023 06:07:57 [--json-packet] Write JSON Packet meta data [--es-compress] Unknown command line option [--es-compress] root@es7:~/pcap2json# cat /home/student/ELK/http.cap | ./pcap2json --json-packet --es-host pcap2json https://www.github/fmadio/pcap2json build:Mar 31 2023 06:07:57 [--json-packet] Write JSON Packet meta data [--es-host] Unknown command line option [--es-host] root@es7:~/pcap2json# ./pcap2json --help pcap2json https://www.github/fmadio/pcap2json build:Mar 31 2023 06:07:57 [--help] fmad engineering all rights reserved http://www.fmad.io

pcap2json is a high speed PCAP meta data extraction utility

example converting a pcap to json:

cat /tmp/test.pcap | pcap2json > test.json

Command Line Arguments: --index-name : capture name to use for ES Index data --verbose : verbose output --config : read from config file

--cpu-core : cpu map for core thread --cpu-flow <cpu0..cpu n-1> : cpu count and map for flow threads --cpu-output <cpu0..cpu n-1> : cpu map for output threads

--json-packet : write JSON packet data --json-flow : write JSON flow data

Instance Info --instance-id : instance id of this pcap2json FE --instance-max : total number of pcap2json FE instances Output Mode --output-stdout : writes output to STDOUT --output-espush : writes output directly to ES HTTP POST --output-histogram : Enable histogram output and writes it to file --output-buffercnt : number of output buffers (default is 64) --output-keepalive : enable keep alive (persistent) ES connection --output-filterpath : reduce data back from the ES cluster --output-threadcnt : number of worker threads for ES push (default is 32) --output-mergemin : minimum number of blocks to merge on output --output-mergemax : maximum number of blocks to merge on output

Flow specific options --flow-samplerate : scientific notation flow sample rate. default 100e6 (100msec) --flow-index-depth : number of root flow index to allocate defulat 6 --flow-max : maximum number of flows (default 250e3)6 --flow-top-n : only output the top N flows --flow-top-n-circuit <sMAC_dMAC> : output top N flows based on specified src/dest MAC --flow-template "

Elastic Stack options --es-host hostname:port : Sets the ES Hostname --es-timeout : Sets ES connection timeout in milliseconds (Default: 2000 msec) --es-compress : enables gzip compressed POST --es-null : use ES Null target for perf testing --es-queue-path : ES Output queue is file backed

ICMP options --icmp-overwrite : overwrite IP Proto info for ICMP packets

ashuvaid avatar Mar 31 '23 06:03 ashuvaid