emacs-for-clojure copied to clipboard
If you add new packages to the my-packages list, eval'ing the file will not download the newly added package. Using `setq` instead of `defvar` should fix the [issue](http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/elisp_defvar_problem.html). Adding this...
When disabling the menu bar, on OS X there's still the (single) menu bar, but it will only have the default entries, not the ones installed by each major mode....
- If rainbow-delimiters-mode-enable is available: - Check if Emacs >= 24.1, if so enable it for prog-mode - Else enable it for lisp-mode - Use the (broken) global-rainbow-delimiters-mode as before
Hi , I read you blog and found this starter tool kit, it's nice and handy. But still something is broken , e.g auto-complete, so basically I update some of...