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Separate/Combined pedals axis
it's not a lot of time I have started toying with Flycast, so sorry if this request is already implemented. Accelerator and brake pedals can actually be assigned to a single axis (so called combined pedals), one to one half axis, the other to the other (e.g. accel Y+, brake Y-). It would be great if separate axis for accel and brake could be assignable (a full axis for accel, another for brake). This would let the user assign them to the left and right triggers of the gamepad, a feature already available in the other two most favourite emulators of mine: supermodel and MAME :)
Thanks for all the efforts already put in the development this gem of an emulator!
Dreamcast triggers (and arcade accel/brake) are mapped to gamepad triggers (L2, R2) by default. So they can be mapped to different axes.
Thanks for your answer . Yes, I noticed that, but from the behaviour I am experiencing I must assume they are coded as combined axis anyway. This is what I have mapping accel to a trigger, brake to the other (arcade map) in NAOMI Crazy Taxi (in game):
- if I have both triggers released, the car brake lights are lit. I can hear a looped sound of brakes, like it accelerate for an instant and then brakes. Forever.
- If I press brake trigger, the car accelerate (like the brake has been released and the car is free to go)
- If I press accel nothing happens (but the aforementioned looped sound is no more there)
This happens to me with both a PS4 compatible gamepad and a custom made arduino interface installed in my CT, both working in supermodel and MAME. Can you help me figure out what I am doing wrong? Thanks for the help so far (and for this great emulator!)
Something is wrong with your controller or your controller driver. What OS are you on?
Normally the default mapping should work. No change needed.
The OS is win10. Honestly, I do not think is a driver issue, nor my controllers hardware because they both work as intended in supermodel and MAME. I can try to go back to the default mapping and see if something changes, but anyway remapping is necessary, you know what I mean. Thanks for the help so far, much appreciated:)
Good news! The issue was not a "separate pedals seen ad combined" as I thought (sorry for that), but an inverse axis attribution. In other words, both axis were seen as "negative" (1-, 2-). This made the car accel and brake with pedals released, nothing could happen when accelerating (because the brake was pressed) and the car could only run when pressing the brake (which means "releasing it" being inverted). I could not find a solution through the mapping GUI, but it was possible to edit the mapping file, so it was a breeze to solve. Hopes this helps fixing the issue, thanks!
Made some additional tests (having success gave me the confidence to configure some more game) and have noticed that Flycast does not always set triggers as negative (incorrect), but sometimes positive (correct). By mapping twice the same trigger, the first attempt will end negative, the next (or the folowing) positive. No need to modify files by hand, then: you can do it via GUI (but eventually...). Teknoparrot adopts a very clever behaviour for mapping full axis: you can press the pedal/axis you want to map, then you can go to the next with the mouse even if the previous pedal is still pressed. This makes a positive axis being recorded, or negative if you assign the release of the pedal.