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is it possible to have custom bubble/widget in between chat?

Open rmControls opened this issue 2 years ago • 5 comments

is it possible to have custom bubble/custom widget like below from both sender and receiver side along with normal chat bubble?


rmControls avatar Aug 04 '22 01:08 rmControls

I don't think this is possible due to how items are inserted in the list, it is impossible to customise like at all.

demchenkoalex avatar Aug 14 '22 13:08 demchenkoalex


It is possible to make custom message widgets by creating your own Message class and then in use bubbleBuilder to build your wanted widget.

Mayb3Nots avatar Aug 14 '22 15:08 Mayb3Nots

It is, but the question was about a widget between messages, which is impossible. Attaching it to the message is a workaround.

demchenkoalex avatar Aug 14 '22 16:08 demchenkoalex

I will be happy if I achieve what @Mayb3Nots showed... The only thing is that I want to achieve it on both sender and receiver side.. I wanted build custom bubble when there is an additional information available else regular bubble...

@Mayb3Nots if possible can you share the sample??

rmControls avatar Aug 16 '22 13:08 rmControls

I will be happy if I achieve what @Mayb3Nots showed... The only thing is that I want to achieve it on both sender and receiver side.. I wanted build custom bubble when there is an additional information available else regular bubble...

@Mayb3Nots if possible can you share the sample??

Sure take a look.

 Widget _bubbleBuilder(
      Widget child, BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints,
      {required chat.Message message, required bool nextMessageInGroup}) {
    final isAuthor = message.author.id == AuthService.to.currentUserID;

    final seenList = message.metadata?['seen_list'] as List?;
    final displayAvatarInGroupMessage = !isAuthor && !nextMessageInGroup;
    // Used for caching avatar images so they rebuild it doesn't cost more than needed but I think this was fixed 
    //  by https://github.com/flyerhq/flutter_chat_ui/pull/298
    if (displayAvatarInGroupMessage) {

    return Column(
          isAuthor ? CrossAxisAlignment.end : CrossAxisAlignment.start,
      children: [
              isAuthor ? MainAxisAlignment.end : MainAxisAlignment.start,
          crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end,
          children: [
            if ((message is chat.ImageMessage && !isAuthor) ||
              _ChatProfileAvatar(username: username, uid: message.author.id),
              message: message,
              constraints: constraints,
              isAuthor: isAuthor,
              username: username,
              child: child,
              nextMessageInGroup: nextMessageInGroup,
            message: message,
            isAuthor: isAuthor,
            seenList: seenList,
            username: username)
class _MainContent extends StatelessWidget {
  const _MainContent(
      {Key? key,
      required this.message,
      required this.isAuthor,
      required this.nextMessageInGroup,
      required this.username,
      required this.constraints,
      required this.child})
      : super(key: key);
  final chat.Message message;
  final bool isAuthor;
  final bool nextMessageInGroup;
  final String username;
  final BoxConstraints constraints;
  final Widget child;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final localMessage = message;
    final borderRadius = isAuthor
        ? BorderRadius.circular(20).copyWith(
            bottomRight: nextMessageInGroup ? null : const Radius.circular(0))
        : BorderRadius.circular(20).copyWith(
            bottomLeft: nextMessageInGroup ? null : const Radius.circular(0));
    final leftPadding =
        EdgeInsets.only(left: !isAuthor && nextMessageInGroup ? 40 : 0);

    bool isEmoji = false;
    if (localMessage is chat.TextMessage) {
      isEmoji =
          isConsistsOfEmojis(EmojiEnlargementBehavior.multi, localMessage);
    if (localMessage is CommunityActivityMessage) {
      return _CommunityActivityMessage(
        constraints: constraints,
        isAuthor: isAuthor,
        message: localMessage,
        communityUsername: username,
    if (localMessage is chat.TextMessage) {
      return _CustomTextMessage(
          communityUsername: username,
          message: localMessage,
          leftPadding: leftPadding,
          borderRadius: borderRadius,
          isEmoji: isEmoji,
          isAuthor: isAuthor,
          child: child);
    if (localMessage is chat.ImageMessage) {
      return _CustomImageMessage(
        message: localMessage,
        borderRadius: borderRadius,
        constraints: constraints,
        isAuthor: isAuthor,
        username: username,
        nextMessageInGroup: nextMessageInGroup,
    return const SizedBox();

Mayb3Nots avatar Aug 18 '22 03:08 Mayb3Nots

Thank you... that helps. I will have a look

rmControls avatar Aug 23 '22 13:08 rmControls