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feat(efb): flypad weight and balance/payload loading page v1 π
Fixes #6254 Fixes #3297
Summary of Changes
- Added option to load passengers and cargo in the EFB
- Supports total passenger and Cargo entry
- Supports modification of specific passenger station weights by clicking on the seating layout
- Added ZFW entry (outputs an appropriate passenger/cargo load)
- Added per passenger weight/per bag weight entry
- Added Per Seat View
- Added Per Cargo Location Entry (click to set)
- Added Dynamic CG vs Payload Chart
- Added on-page boarding time modification (similar to fuel page)
- Updated A20N SVGs (credit to LeDerpLegend#0109)
Screenshots (if necessary)
Additional context
Discord username (if different from GitHub):2Cas#1022
Testing instructions
- Go to Ground > Services page and check that all elements are correctly rendered
- Go to Payload page,
- Adjust seating by clicking on the seating layout. This should add new seats and increase the table value for planned passengers.
- Add baggage by clicking on the 4 sliders, this should affect the desired cargo value in the table.
- Change per passenger and per bag weight from 80 and 15 to higher/lower values (or leave at default)
- Input desired passenger and desired cargo in the table
- Check that ZFW calculation is accurate (Empty Weight is 42500KG, add passenger, passenger bags and cargo weight to this value and this should match desired ZFW)
- Board passengers with desired time setting (Real/Fast/Instant). Should be able to change speed while passengers are boarding and have it transition between boarding times seamlessly.
- Deboard passengers (either by inputting in the table, or clicking on the seating layout).
- Go to the main EFB dashboard by clicking the FBW Logo in the top left, import a simbrief OFP
- Go back to the payload page and click the cloud icon next to the table to load the OFP. Check that all relevant table values are correctly imported.
- Load passengers/cargo again
- Fill out INIT-A and INIT-B in MCDU (Init fuel pred). Check that MLDW indicator now shows on the performance envelope chart.
- Proceed with normal flight operations. Check that when in air, MTOW envelope is replaced by the FLIGHT envelope.
- Check that visuals in all themes (dark/light/blue) are correct and readable, with both bright daytime and at night (in sim time)
How to download the PR for QA
Every new commit to this PR will cause a new A32NX artifact to be created, built, and uploaded.
- Make sure you are signed in to GitHub
- Click on the Checks tab on the PR
- On the left side, click on the bottom PR tab
- Click on the A32NX download link at the bottom of the page
I have a question about the cg vs weight chart. Is there a reason for showing the landing cg limit envelope but not the in-flight limits?
I have a question about the cg vs weight chart. Is there a reason for showing the landing cg limit envelope but not the in-flight limits?
Information overload, It's too busy and confusing, most implementations I've seen only have MTOW, MLW and MZFW, I added flight envelope to replace MTOW as it makes no sense to see that after take off.
I tried to figure out why the pageβs state is cleared when you leave the page and return but I only ended up banging my head into my desk. This time I will try again while coping with the massive dent in my cranium.
[suggestion] de-boarding option for end of flight (fenix has this). EDIT: nm, you can simulate this by setting passengers to 0 and pressing "begin boarding"
Quality Assurance Tester Report
Discord : mico#3145 Object of testing: #7334 Tier of Testing : 1 Date : 11/08/2022
Testing Process: Go to Ground > Services page and check that all elements are correctly rendered - OK
Go to Payload page, Adjust seating by clicking on the seating layout. This should add new seats and increase the table value for planned passengers. - OK Add baggage by clicking on the 4 sliders, this should affect the desired cargo value in the table. - OK Change per passenger and per bag weight from 80 and 15 to higher/lower values - OK Input desired passenger and desired cargo in the table
Check that ZFW calculation is accurate Empty Weight is 42500KG, - OK Add passenger, passenger bags and cargo weight to this value and this should match desired ZFW - OK Board passengers with desired time setting (Real/Fast/Instant). - OK Should be able to change speed while passengers are boarding and have it transition between boarding times seamlessly. - OK Deboard passengers - OK Go to the main EFB dashboard by clicking the FBW Logo in the top left, import a simbrief OFP Go back to the payload page and click the cloud icon next to the table to load the OFP. Check that all relevant table values are correctly imported. - OK Load passengers/cargo again Fill out INIT-A and INIT-B in MCDU (Init fuel pred). Check that MLDW indicator now shows on the performance envelope chart. - OK Proceed with normal flight operations. Check that when in air, MTOW envelope is replaced by the FLIGHT envelope. - OK Check that visuals in all themes (dark/light/blue) are correct and readable, with both bright daytime and at night (in sim time) - OK
Testing Results: Passed
Conclusions: Grrreat π
Holding for docs