Felix Hollederer
Felix Hollederer
Of course I could change the link in the f-droid metadata to my repository, but I just made some small changes to the `wipliberated` branch. I already created a pull...
Hi @grravity and @thermatk should I make a merge request to the f-droid repo that changes the source code link?
Hi @markwmuller as stated in another issue, my GitHub notifications are misconfigured. So sorry fo the late reply. I will give it a try, but I cannot promise anything. On...
Hi @Muffexx sorry for my late reply. I think I misconfigured some notification settings in GitHub because I did not recieve an e-mail. > "Tap to check phone" option for...
Thank you for your quick response. I will take a look. However, I think that this is only available for Android 12+ (my phone with Android 11 doesn't have this...
Hi @floppyD thank you for your suggestion. However, I don't think that it is possible, that two different apps can trigger each others shortcuts. So don't expect too much, but...