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Results 289 flux2 issues
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Could be nice to be able to pass environment variables to the `flux bootstrap` command. For example we can pass $DOMAIN, $EMAIL, etc parameters to `flux bootstrap github --env DOMAIN=domain.com...

### Describe the bug When using flux cli, I expect to be able to use Azure DevOps personal access token (PAT). But the command "flux create source git" delete the...

good first issue

### Describe the bug Say you have a deployment yaml like this: ``` --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: docs labels: app: docs spec: replicas: 1 strategy: type: RollingUpdate...

# User Story Often there is a purpose behind suspending a resource with the `flux` cli, whether it be during incident response, source repository refactoring, and various other scenarios. The...

Allow CRDs to utilize Kubernetes Downward API. Allowing the Flux CRs to reference downward API via mustache syntax. `{{metadata.labels.environment}}` `{{metadata.annotations.cert-manager_namespace}}` would allow for `commonMetadata` supplied from `Kustomization` to be referenced...

The functions called via the `uninstall` command might return errors, which are ignored right now. I think users prefer to get noticed about issues, when uninstalling FluxCD. This was originally...

Now that [RFC-004](https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2/tree/main/rfcs/0004-insecure-http) has been merged, we can start implementing it. ## TODOs: ### Controllers - [ ] https://github.com/fluxcd/notification-controller/issues/386 - [ ] https://github.com/fluxcd/image-automation-controller/issues/457 - [ ] https://github.com/fluxcd/source-controller/issues/956 - [ ]...


It is common task to update deployment based on Docker Hub Webhook JSON payload. We know image to update by "tag" and "repo_name": https://docs.docker.com/docker-hub/webhooks/ Current ImageRepository only fits certain repo_name:tag,...

### Describe the bug We are using FluxCD with repos over SSH on company GitLab in restricted network. Kubernetes clusters are whitelisted, but for clients (devops engineers and others) we...

### Describe the bug I accidentally named a file Kustomization.yaml instead of kustomization.yaml and got this confusing error. It went away when I changed the file name to lowercase. '...