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Lightweight microservices demo made with podinfo, managed by flux and monitored by weave gitops.


flux-e2e license

Microservices demo made with podinfo, managed by flux and monitored by weave-gitops.

The microservices demo is composed of 20 Kubernetes Deployments with a total request of 200m CPU and 320Mi memory. Each microservice is managed by a dedicated Flux Kustomization that contains a Podinfo and a Redis instance. The microservices are configured to scale up to 2 pods each, using CPU-based horizontal pod autoscalers.

The microservices demo comes with a client app that generates HTTP/S traffic between microservices at a total rate of 30 requests/second. Each microservice writes data in their dedicated Redis instance every 30s.

Note that half of the requests made by the client to the advert service result in 500 and 404 HTTP errors, this can be used to showcase Flagger automated rollback.


Deploy microservices

Add the following definitions to the bootstrap repo under a cluster e.g. clusters/my-cluster/msdemo.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: msdemo
    config.linkerd.io/proxy-await: enabled
    linkerd.io/inject: enabled
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
    toolkit.fluxcd.io/tenant: msdemo
  name: flux
  namespace: msdemo
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: RoleBinding
    toolkit.fluxcd.io/tenant: msdemo
  name: flux
  namespace: msdemo
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: flux
    namespace: msdemo
apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
kind: GitRepository
  name: msdemo
  namespace: msdemo
  interval: 1m0s
    branch: main
  url: https://github.com/fluxcd-community/microservices-demo
apiVersion: kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
kind: Kustomization
  name: msdemo
  namespace: msdemo
  targetNamespace: msdemo
  interval: 60m0s
  retryInterval: 1m30s
  path: ./deploy
  prune: true
  wait: true
  timeout: 3m
  serviceAccountName: flux
    kind: GitRepository
    name: msdemo
      app_namespace: msdemo
    - target:
        kind: Kustomization
      patch: |
        - op: add
          path: /spec/serviceAccountName
          value: flux

Note that the above configuration is compatible with Flux multi-tenancy lockdown mode and is being tested in GitHub Actions by the flux-e2e workflow.

To spin up multiple stacks, make a copy the above file, replace msdemo with msdemo1 in the multi-doc YAML and add it to your repository.

Update microservices

To trigger a rolling deployment of all microservices, add the following patch to your msdemo Kustomization, and set the podinfo version to value greater than 6.1.3:

apiVersion: kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
kind: Kustomization
  name: msdemo
  namespace: msdemo
    - target:
        kind: Kustomization
      patch: |
        - op: add
          path: /spec/postBuild/substitute/app_version
          value: 6.1.5

To update specific microservices, add their names to the patch target:

    - target:
        kind: Kustomization
        name: "(demo-frontend|demo-admin)"
      patch: |
        - op: add
          path: /spec/postBuild/substitute/app_version
          value: 6.1.6

To test rollout failures use a non-existing version such as 99.0.0.

Increase the traffic load

To increase the traffic load, you can set the client QPS value with:

    - target:
        kind: Kustomization
        name: "(demo-client)"
      patch: |
        - op: add
          path: /spec/postBuild/substitute/qps
          value: "2"

List microservices

The above configuration will deploy the following workloads:

$ flux -n msdemo tree kustomization msdemo
├── Kustomization/msdemo/demo-admin
│   ├── ConfigMap/msdemo/demo-admin-redis
│   ├── Service/msdemo/demo-admin-app
│   ├── Service/msdemo/demo-admin-redis
│   ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-admin-app
│   ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-admin-redis
│   └── HorizontalPodAutoscaler/msdemo/demo-admin-app
├── Kustomization/msdemo/demo-advert
│   ├── ConfigMap/msdemo/demo-advert-redis
│   ├── Service/msdemo/demo-advert-app
│   ├── Service/msdemo/demo-advert-redis
│   ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-advert-app
│   ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-advert-redis
│   └── HorizontalPodAutoscaler/msdemo/demo-advert-app
├── Kustomization/msdemo/demo-auth
│   ├── ConfigMap/msdemo/demo-auth-redis
│   ├── Service/msdemo/demo-auth-app
│   ├── Service/msdemo/demo-auth-redis
│   ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-auth-app
│   ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-auth-redis
│   └── HorizontalPodAutoscaler/msdemo/demo-auth-app
├── Kustomization/msdemo/demo-cart
│   ├── ConfigMap/msdemo/demo-cart-redis
│   ├── Service/msdemo/demo-cart-app
│   ├── Service/msdemo/demo-cart-redis
│   ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-cart-app
│   ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-cart-redis
│   └── HorizontalPodAutoscaler/msdemo/demo-cart-app
├── Kustomization/msdemo/demo-catalogue
│   ├── ConfigMap/msdemo/demo-catalogue-redis
│   ├── Service/msdemo/demo-catalogue-app
│   ├── Service/msdemo/demo-catalogue-redis
│   ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-catalogue-app
│   ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-catalogue-redis
│   └── HorizontalPodAutoscaler/msdemo/demo-catalogue-app
├── Kustomization/msdemo/demo-checkout
│   ├── ConfigMap/msdemo/demo-checkout-redis
│   ├── Service/msdemo/demo-checkout-app
│   ├── Service/msdemo/demo-checkout-redis
│   ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-checkout-app
│   ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-checkout-redis
│   └── HorizontalPodAutoscaler/msdemo/demo-checkout-app
├── Kustomization/msdemo/demo-client
│   └── Deployment/msdemo/demo-client-app
├── Kustomization/msdemo/demo-frontend
│   ├── ConfigMap/msdemo/demo-frontend-redis
│   ├── Service/msdemo/demo-frontend-app
│   ├── Service/msdemo/demo-frontend-redis
│   ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-frontend-app
│   ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-frontend-redis
│   └── HorizontalPodAutoscaler/msdemo/demo-frontend-app
├── Kustomization/msdemo/demo-mobile
│   ├── ConfigMap/msdemo/demo-mobile-redis
│   ├── Service/msdemo/demo-mobile-app
│   ├── Service/msdemo/demo-mobile-redis
│   ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-mobile-app
│   ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-mobile-redis
│   └── HorizontalPodAutoscaler/msdemo/demo-mobile-app
├── Kustomization/msdemo/demo-payment
│   ├── ConfigMap/msdemo/demo-payment-redis
│   ├── Service/msdemo/demo-payment-app
│   ├── Service/msdemo/demo-payment-redis
│   ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-payment-app
│   ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-payment-redis
│   └── HorizontalPodAutoscaler/msdemo/demo-payment-app
└── Kustomization/msdemo/demo-shipping
    ├── ConfigMap/msdemo/demo-shipping-redis
    ├── Service/msdemo/demo-shipping-app
    ├── Service/msdemo/demo-shipping-redis
    ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-shipping-app
    ├── Deployment/msdemo/demo-shipping-redis
    └── HorizontalPodAutoscaler/msdemo/demo-shipping-app