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Using nested variable blocks from a configmap/secret

Open Smana opened this issue 1 year ago • 6 comments


I'm trying to use a module that requires variables with maps, lists ... Let's say that I want to use this irsa-eks module. How would I define the variables into a configmap please? The following code won't work obviously

apiVersion: v1
  role_name: "cert-manager"
  attach_load_balancer_controller_policy: true
      provider_arn: ${oidc_cluster_issuer}
      namespace_service_accounts: ["kube-system:alb-controller"]
    env: ${environment}
    cluster: ${cluster_name}
kind: ConfigMap
  name: tfvars-dev-hiving-hen
  namespace: flux-system

Thank you


User Story:

As a Terraform Controller user, I'd like to be able to use nested variable blocks from a configmap/secret, so that I can manage complex variables and sensitive data in a secure and organized manner.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • [ ] Support for using nested variables from ConfigMaps
  • [ ] Support for using nested variables from Secrets
  • [ ] Documentation on how to use nested variables from ConfigMaps and Secrets
  • [ ] Examples of using nested variables from ConfigMaps and Secrets

Smana avatar May 30 '23 19:05 Smana