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[Bug]: [connectivity_plus] EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION_READ in GetConnectedAdapterIds
Flutter SDK
Steps to reproduce
Got crash logs from some users. Unable to reproduce locally.
Code Sample
No response
OS Version: Windows 10.0.22631 (3155)
Report Version: 104
Crashed Thread: 16064
Application Specific Information:
Fatal Error: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION_READ / 0xffffffffffffffff
Thread 16064 Crashed:
0 netprofm.dll 0x7fffa47b6f09 CPubIEnumNetworkConnections::CreateInstance
1 netprofm.dll 0x7fffa47b6680 CPubINetworkListManager::GetNetworkConnections
2 connectivity_plus_plugin.dll 0x7fff2549678d NetworkManager::GetConnectedAdapterIds
3 connectivity_plus_plugin.dll 0x7fff25496a18 NetworkManager::GetConnectivityType
4 connectivity_plus_plugin.dll 0x7fff2549481e flutter::EventChannel<T>::EventSinkImplementation::ErrorInternal
5 connectivity_plus_plugin.dll 0x7fff25495c7e std::_Func_impl_no_alloc<T>::_Do_call
6 connectivity_plus_plugin.dll 0x7fff25493333 <lambda>::operator()
7 connectivity_plus_plugin.dll 0x7fff25495c36 std::_Func_impl_no_alloc<T>::_Do_call
8 connectivity_plus_plugin.dll 0x7fff25498107 destructor'
9 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff2a03e069 flutter::IncomingMessageDispatcher::HandleMessage (
10 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff297f5a4d flutter::FlutterWindowsEngine::HandlePlatformMessage (
11 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff298a7f6c [inlined] FlutterEngineInitialize::<T>::operator() (
12 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff298a7f6c [inlined] std::invoke (type_traits:1572)
13 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff298a7f6c [inlined] std::_Invoker_ret<T>::_Call (functional:670)
14 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff298a7f6c std::_Func_impl_no_alloc<T>::_Do_call (functional:833)
15 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff298b4ab7 std::_Func_class<T>::operator() (functional:874)
16 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff298b4a55 flutter::PlatformViewEmbedder::HandlePlatformMessage (
17 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff298b51d5 [inlined] flutter::PlatformViewEmbedder::EmbedderPlatformMessageHandler::HandlePlatformMessage::<T>::operator() (
18 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff298b51d5 fml::internal::CopyableLambda<T>::operator()<T> (make_copyable.h:24)
19 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff298b20fc [inlined] std::_Func_class<T>::operator() (functional:874)
20 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff298b20fc flutter::EmbedderTaskRunner::PostTask (
21 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff298b36e0 flutter::EmbedderThreadHost::PostTask (
22 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff298a0d39 FlutterEngineRunTask (
23 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff297f7282 [inlined] flutter::FlutterWindowsEngine::FlutterWindowsEngine::<T>::operator() (
24 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff297f7282 [inlined] std::invoke (type_traits:1572)
25 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff297f7282 [inlined] std::_Invoker_ret<T>::_Call (functional:670)
26 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff297f7282 std::_Func_impl_no_alloc<T>::_Do_call (functional:833)
27 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff2980a704 [inlined] std::_Func_class<T>::operator() (functional:874)
28 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff2980a704 flutter::TaskRunner::ProcessTasks (
29 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff2980bf69 flutter::TaskRunnerWindow::ProcessTasks (
30 flutter_windows.dll 0x7fff2980c052 flutter::TaskRunnerWindow::HandleMessage (
31 USER32.dll 0x7fffabce8240 UserCallWinProcCheckWow
32 USER32.dll 0x7fffabce7d00 DispatchMessageWorker
33 SONIX.exe 0x7ff6626b23a5 wWinMain
34 SONIX.exe 0x7ff6626b7bd1 [inlined] invoke_main (exe_common.inl:118)
35 SONIX.exe 0x7ff6626b7bd1 __scrt_common_main_seh (exe_common.inl:288)
36 KERNEL32.DLL 0x7fffaa2a257c BaseThreadInitThunk
37 ntdll.dll 0x7fffac3aaa57 RtlUserThreadStart
Flutter Doctor
[!] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.16.8, on macOS 12.5 21G72 darwin-arm64, locale en-PL)
• Flutter version 3.16.8 on channel stable at /Users/kamil/fvm/versions/3.16.8
• Upstream repository
• Framework revision 67457e669f (4 weeks ago), 2024-01-16 16:22:29 -0800
• Engine revision 6e2ea58a5c
• Dart version 3.2.5
• DevTools version 2.28.5
• If those were intentional, you can disregard the above warnings; however it is recommended to use "git" directly to perform update checks and upgrades.
[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 33.0.0)
• Android SDK at /Users/kamil/Library/Android/sdk
• Platform android-33, build-tools 33.0.0
• Java binary at: /Applications/Android
• Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.12+0-b1504.28-7817840)
• All Android licenses accepted.
[✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 14.2)
• Xcode at /Applications/
• Build 14C18
• CocoaPods version 1.14.3
[✓] Chrome - develop for the web
• Chrome at /Applications/Google Chrome
[✓] Android Studio (version 2021.2)
• Android Studio at /Applications/Android
• Flutter plugin can be installed from:
• Dart plugin can be installed from:
• Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.12+0-b1504.28-7817840)
[✓] VS Code (version 1.86.1)
• VS Code at /Applications/Visual Studio
• Flutter extension version 3.82.0
[✓] Connected device (2 available)
• macOS (desktop) • macos • darwin-arm64 • macOS 12.5 21G72 darwin-arm64
• Chrome (web) • chrome • web-javascript • Google Chrome 121.0.6167.160
[✓] Network resources
• All expected network resources are available.
Checklist before submitting a bug
- [X] I searched issues in this repository and couldn't find such bug/problem
- [X] I Google'd a solution and I couldn't find it
- [X] I searched on StackOverflow for a solution and I couldn't find it
- [X] I read the file of the plugin
- [X] I'm using the latest version of the plugin
- [X] All dependencies are up to date with
flutter pub upgrade
- [X] I did a
flutter clean
- [X] I tried running the example project
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