flutter_downloader copied to clipboard
File not saving in private storage without WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission
Describe the bug
The download reaches 100% and stays there indefinitely. I observed that when the download is enqueued, it creates a file in the directory. At 100%, it removes the file and stays stuck at 100% without any error. However, when the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission is granted to the app, the plugin works normally and stores the file. Why WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission is required even when saving in private storage?
File is stored in getApplicationDocumentsDirectory().path
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Start download in private directory
- Download reaches 100% without completion
Expected behavior
Download should be completed and the file should not be deleted.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: [e.g. iOS]
- Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
- Version [e.g. 22]
Device information:
- Device: Pixel 6a Emulator
- OS: Android 9.0 API 28
- plugin version 1.11.7
Additional context
url: url,
savedDir: path.join(((await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()).path), "offline"),
requiresStorageNotLow: false,
fileName: "testfile",
allowCellular: true,
saveInPublicStorage: false,
showNotification: true,
openFileFromNotification: false,