extended_nested_scroll_view icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
extended_nested_scroll_view copied to clipboard

extended nested scroll view to fix following issues. 1.pinned sliver header issue 2.inner scrollables in tabview sync issue 3.pull to refresh is not work. 4.do without ScrollController in NestedScr...

Results 17 extended_nested_scroll_view issues
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### Platforms Android, iOS ### Description headerSliver可以跟着body一起滚动吗? ### My code _No response_ ### Try do it _No response_


### Platforms Android, iOS ### Description 我想实现如下图圆角除的效果,发现headerSliverBuilder里的内容会遮挡body里面的内容,如视频 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23705172/228119980-70eeb058-53f9-4ca9-bce1-857b20d43790.mp4 ### My code `DefaultTabController( length: 2, child: Column( children: [ Expanded( child: ExtendedNestedScrollView( headerSliverBuilder: (context, _) { return [ SliverToBoxAdapter( child: SizedBox(...


update demo from RefreshIndicatorMode to PullToRefreshIndicatorMode, and update visibility_detector version from 0.3.3 to 0.4.0+2(latest)

### Content 需要增加一个参数:bodyIsFillRemaining来决定是否使用_ExtendedSliverFillRemainingWithScrollable List _buildSlivers(BuildContext context, ScrollController innerController, bool bodyIsScrolled) { return [ ...headerSliverBuilder(context, bodyIsScrolled), bodyIsFillRemaining ? _ExtendedSliverFillRemainingWithScrollable( child: PrimaryScrollController( automaticallyInheritForPlatforms: TargetPlatform.values.toSet(), controller: innerController, child: body, ), ) : SliverToBoxAdapter(...

### Platforms dart ### Description I want to add a background image under headerSliverBuilder,if possible ### Why _No response_


### Platforms dart ### Description [How to use] ExtendedNestedScrollView的key.currentState!.innerController如何独自滚动到顶部,外部的outerController不动 我的结构是ExtendedNestedScrollView的body放了一个MasonryGridView.count,无法将innerController给到MasonryGridView的controller,请问我需要怎么做才能让MasonryGridView独自滚动到顶部 ### My code _No response_ ### Try do it _No response_

### Content inside gridview or a listview child of a tabview or a pageview with anything other than ClampingScrollPhysics() is not working well, giving issues while scrolling. is there any...