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Open stuartmorgan opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

Adds an initial owner for each package to establish clear primary maintenance responsibility. Owners don't necessarily need to do all reviews, but should be primarily responsible for knowing who to route reviews for that package to.

stuartmorgan avatar Oct 11 '22 14:10 stuartmorgan

This initial list is based on a combination of what I know (a goal here is to formalize/record institutional knowledge), and guesses based on git history. If you're on the review list here, please look at anything you've been listed as an owner for, and let me know:

  • if you shouldn't be the owner (and ideally who should, if you know),
  • if someone else should be listed in addition, or
  • if you're fine owning the packages you're listed for.

One downside to CODEOWNERS is that you'll get review assignment before initial triage, which means sometimes you'll get review requests for low-quality reviews (warning signs including checking all the boxes in the PR checklist without doing most of the steps, checking none of the boxes, or leaving the CLA unsigned). It's fine to just ignore them and wait for package triage to respond in those cases. If that will be an issue for you, let me know, and we can comment out your lines so that the conceptual ownership is written down, but it doesn't trigger automatic reviews.

stuartmorgan avatar Oct 11 '22 14:10 stuartmorgan

@gspencergoog Are you happy with your entries here?

stuartmorgan avatar Oct 18 '22 20:10 stuartmorgan