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Unclear how to use the memory tab's Allocations function
What I would expect from the tool is that I click start somewhere, interact with the app for a bit, then click stop. Then it tracks every allocation and deallocation in the vm between those points, then show me a flame graph of all the leftover allocations with the widths being the sizes of those allocations.
Instead, when I click "Track" the first time, it seems to take a snapshot and show me all the classes. But there's 100 classes in a table. I'd want to track all of them. Do I click through each checkbox one by one?
CC @bkonyi @polina-c
Tracking all of them would be extremely expensive and bring any non-trivial program to a crawl, so we do tracking on a per-class basis. This screen is really buggy / broken at the moment, and we're working on a replacement that will allow for determining where allocations of tracked classes are being made in a similar format to the CPU profiler tree.
is there an alternative suggested approach to solving this generic business need? Very generally, I want to be able to start a measurement at some time, go do some things and finish a measurement at some later time expecting zero leaks. If there are any newly allocated but not garbage collected allocations, I'd want a summary of what they are per class and if possible, retention tree. This seems like a common feature in Xcode and Android Studio.