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Does the library support native SIP?

Open morfair opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

Does the library support native SIP over UDP or only WebRTC?

morfair avatar Oct 20 '21 07:10 morfair

Using WebSocket + webrtc is currently the most reasonable combination. If UDP transmits signaling, you have to return the webrtc stack to normal UDP/RTP, because the SDP length of webrtc will exceed 1500, and INVITE signaling cannot be transmitted via UDP.

The technical level of your issue is feasible, which will require the development of a customized version, and the development cost is higher.

cloudwebrtc avatar Oct 20 '21 11:10 cloudwebrtc

Understood, normal SIP/RTP over UDP is not supported now. Thanks you for answer.

morfair avatar Oct 21 '21 07:10 morfair