asset_generator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
asset_generator copied to clipboard


Open tangbincheng opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

`import 'dart:io';

var previewServerPort = 2227;

bool isHiddenFile(FileSystemEntity file) => file.path[file.parent.path.length + 1] == '.';

void main() async { bool working = false; var pubSpec = File('pubspec.yaml'); var pubLines = pubSpec.readAsLinesSync(); var newLines = <String>[]; var varNames = <String>[]; var resource = <String>[]; for (var line in pubLines) { if (line.contains('begin') && line.contains('#') && line.contains('assets')) { working = true; newLines.add(line); } if (line.contains('end') && line.contains('#') && line.contains('assets')) working = false;

if (working) {
  if (line.trim().startsWith('#') && line.trim().endsWith('*')) {
    var directory =
        Directory(line.replaceAll('#', '').replaceAll('*', '').trim());
    if (directory.existsSync()) {
      var list = directory.listSync(recursive: true)
        ..sort((a, b) => a.path.compareTo(b.path));
      for (var file in list) {
        if (file.statSync().type == FileSystemEntityType.file &&
            !isHiddenFile(file)) {
          var path = file.path.replaceAll('\\', '/');
          var data = path.split('.');
          if (data.isNotEmpty) {
            var varName = data[0]
                .replaceAll('images/', '')
                .replaceAll('assets/', '')
            varName = varName.replaceAll('/', '_').replaceAll('.', '_');
            var pos = 0;
            String char;
            while (pos < varName.lastIndexOf('_')) {
              pos = varName.indexOf('_', pos);
              if (pos == -1) break;
              char = varName.substring(pos + 1, pos + 2);
              varName =
                  varName.replaceFirst('_$char', '_${char.toUpperCase()}');
            varName = varName.replaceAll('_', '');
                .add("/// ![]($previewServerPort/$path)");
            resource.add("static const String $varName = '$path';");
            varNames.add("    $varName,");
            String newLinesData =
                '    - ${path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/')+1)}';
            if (!newLines.contains(newLinesData)) {
    } else {
      throw FileSystemException('Directory wrong');
} else {


var r = File('lib/r.dart'); if (r.existsSync()) { r.deleteSync(); } r.createSync(); var content = 'class R {\n'; for (var line in resource) { content = '$content $line\n'; } content = '$content\n static const values = [\n'; for (var line in varNames) { content = '$content $line\n'; } content = '$content ];\n}\n'; r.writeAsStringSync(content);

var spec = ''; for (var line in newLines) { spec = '$spec$line\n'; } pubSpec.writeAsStringSync(spec);

var ser; try { ser = await HttpServer.bind('', previewServerPort); print('成功启动图片预览服务器于本机<$previewServerPort>端口'); ser.listen( (req) { var index = req.uri.path.lastIndexOf('.'); var subType = req.uri.path.substring(index + 1); print(subType); req.response ..headers.contentType = ContentType('image', subType) ..add(File('.${req.uri.path}').readAsBytesSync()) ..close(); }, ); } catch (e) { print('图片预览服务器已启动或端口被占用'); } }` 改完的效果如下

微信截图_20210901170325 微信截图_20210901170342

tangbincheng avatar Sep 01 '21 09:09 tangbincheng