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A statistical random words generator for constructed languages.

ConlangWordGenerator, v0.3.1

Now it's a gem!


This gem allows the user to generate words for constructed languages, given a LANG file that describes the language. It can also be useful for linguistics to study and generate valid words from a descripted language.

The *.lang file must include sets of phonemes with their individual probability weight, and a grammatical expression, to describe how to generate words for the described language.


Usage as a command line executable:

conlang <words count> '<LANG file>'

This command produces an output-<name>.txt file that includes a list of the generated words, separated by newlines.

Usage as a gem:

require 'conlang'

# Path to LANG file, as constructor.
x ="tokipona.lang")

# Print ten generated words as
# an array of strings.
p x.get_words(10)

There are *.lang files as examples at lang-examples directory of this project's source.

Custom .lang files

You must create your own .lang files to generate random words for your constructed languages.

There files include a simple lightweight markup language to describe sets of phonemes, their probability, replacements (for exceptions) and a simple regular grammatical expression.

You can learn how to create LANG files here. Again, examples at lang-examples directory can help you a lot.

The class WordGenerator takes a path to a valid *.lang file to produce a generator of words, as described previously in the Instructions section.

Root-level identifiers

  • WordGenerator - Main class
  • ConlangWordGenerator - Namespace module for the gem
  • Exceptions
    • LangFileError < StandardError, for LANG files
    • LangFileIOError < LangFileError
    • LangSyntaxError < LangFileError