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A high performance crypto trading engine
Dingir Exchange
Dingir Exchange is a high performance exchange trading server.
The core matching engine is a fully async, single threaded, memory based matching engine with thousands of TPS.
- Features: order matching, order state change notification, user balance management, market data...
- Non Features: user account system, cryptocurrency deposit/withdraw...
Technical Details
- Language: Rust
- API Interface: GRPC
- Server framework: Tokio/Hyper/Tonic
- Storage: SQL Databases
- Persistence: (a)Append operation log and (b)Redis-like fork-and-save persistence
The architecture is heavily inspired by Redis and Viabtc Exchange
- cmake
- librdkafka
$ brew install cmake librdkafka
Ubuntu / Debian
# apt install cmake librdkafka-dev
RedHat / CentOS / Fedora
# dnf install cmake librdkafka-devel
- push notifications using GRPC/websockets
- API Documentation
- Better test coverage
# Simple test
$ cd $DingirExchangeDir
# Lanuch the external dependency services like Postgresql and Kafka
$ docker-compose --file "./orchestra/docker/docker-compose.yaml" up --detach
$ make startall # or `cargo run --bin matchengine` to start only core service
$ cd $DingirExchangeDir/examples/js ; npm i
# This script will put orders into the exchange.
# Then you will find some orders got matched, trades generated,
# and users' balances updated accordingly.
$ npx ts-node tests/trade.ts
We uses cross to generate release builds for Linux Distributions. For example, you could generate a static release build via the below command.
RUSTFLAGS="-C link-arg=-static -C target-feature=+crt-static" cross build --bin matchengine --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --release
And a new Docker image could be generated by the release
# In root directory of this project
Related Projects
Peatio: A full-featured crypto exchange backend, with user account system and crypto deposit/withdraw. Written in Ruby/Rails. It can process less than 200 orders per second.
viabtc exchange server: A high performance trading server written in C/libev. Most components of the project are written from scratch including network, RPC. It can process thousands of orders per second.