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WordNet in JSON format.

WordNet in JSON Format

The WordNet dataset is provided in a format that requires dedicated parsing routines. JSON is a universal data format, that is supported across various programming languages.

Using JSON, anyone can import and use WordNet dataset with ease.


This dataset was built from version 3.1 of the WordNet data files.


This dataset is based on: Princeton University "About WordNet." WordNet. Princeton University. 2010. http://wordnet.princeton.edu

Please cite them if you use this dataset.


See releases.

File Structure

WordNet (root object)

An entire WordNet database.


  • synset (map to Synset) from synset ID to synset object.
  • lemma (map to string array) from pos.lemma to synset IDs that contain it.
  • lemmaRanked (map to string array) like Lemma but synsets are ordered from the most frequently used to the least. Only a subset of the synsets are ranked, so LemmaRanked has less synsets.
  • exception (map to string array) from exceptional word to its forms.
  • example (map to string) from example ID to sentence template.


A set of synonymous words.


  • offset (int) synset offset in the raw data file, also used as an identifier.
  • pos (string) part of speech:
    • a: adjective
    • n: noun
    • r: adverb
    • s: satellite
    • v: verb
  • word (string array) words in this synset.
  • pointer (Pointer array) pointers to other synsets.
  • frame (Frame array) sentence frames for verbs.
  • gloss (string) lexical definition.
  • example (Example array) usage examples for words in this synset. Verbs only.


Denotes a semantic relation between one synset/word to another.


  • symbol (string) relation between the 2 words. Target is <symbol> to source. See their meanings here.
  • synset (string) target synset ID.
  • source (int) index of word in source synset, -1 for entire synset.
  • target (int) index of word in target synset, -1 for entire synset.


Links a synset word to a generic phrase that illustrates how to use it. Applies to verbs only.


  • wordNumber (int) index of word in the containing synset, -1 for entire synset.
  • frameNumber (int) frame number on the WordNet site.


Links a synset word to an example sentence. Applies to verbs only.


  • wordNumber (int) index of word in the containing synset, -1 for entire synset.
  • templateNumber (int) tumber of template in the WordNet.Example field.


If you are working with Go, I encourage you to skip this JSON file and work directly with the Go API. This JSON dump is simply a marshaled WordNet struct.

Having Trouble?

If you have any issues, questions, or comments - feel free to share them on the issues section.