FluentScheduler copied to clipboard
Automated job scheduler with fluent interface for the .NET platform.
hello have 1 question, can i use in .Net Framework4.5?, 4.51?, 4.6?, 4.62? other versions in 4.~ but this lib use version netstandars, how to use in 4.~?
Hi, I'm setting up a job to run every Monday at 10 am: `registry.Schedule(() => new MyJob()).ToRunEvery(0).Weeks().On(DayOfWeek.Monday).At(10,0);` However he apparently runs the first time and doesn't run anymore. Am I...
```csharp public class TestRegistry : Registry { public TestRegistry() { Schedule(() => { while (true) { var log = NLog.LogManager.GetLogger("Logger1"); log.Info("sleeping 1..."); Thread.Sleep(100); } }) .WithName("Infinite Task") .NonReentrant() .ToRunNow(); Schedule(()...
Hi, Trying to upgrade from 5.3.0 to 5.5.1 I see that strong names have been removed (using full .net 4.8). Is this by accident or on purpose?
I was using the scheduler with a job configured like: `Schedule().ToRunNow().AndEvery(_inteval).Seconds().Between(_startHour, _startMinutes, _endHour, _endMinutes);` With that, the job seems to never be executed. I was have to change the following...
This maybe me not understanding but when I schedule a job like this: ``` JobManager.JobEnd += JobManager_JobEnd; var aDate = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5); registry.Schedule().ToRunOnceAt(aDate).AndEvery(3).Seconds(); JobManager.Initialize(registry); JobManager.Start() ``` Then in `JobManager_JobEnd(JobEndInfo obj)` print...
Hi, i have downloaded and compiled the lastes version of FluentScheduler 6 from the repo. I have a schedule set like this: ``` var weeklyReport = new Schedule( () =>...
Seems it's not an problem in 6.x For the below code, `AndEvery` is still running after it's parent is disabled, and no way to disable it manually since `Schedule.Parent` and...
``` var reg = new Registry(); reg.Schedule(() => Console.WriteLine(123)); JobManager.InitializeWithoutStarting(reg); Console.ReadLine(); ``` When start app Schedule all the same, action
### Description I propose an extension of the scheduler that will prevent running more than one job with given name at the same time. I wast thinking about syntax like...