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A structured logger for Fluentd (Ruby)

Fluent logger

Build Status

A structured event logger


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fluent-logger'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fluent-logger



require 'fluent-logger'

# API: FluentLogger.new(tag_prefix, options)
log = Fluent::Logger::FluentLogger.new(nil, :host => 'localhost', :port => 24224)
unless log.post("myapp.access", {"agent" => "foo"})
  p log.last_error # You can get last error object via last_error method

# output: myapp.access {"agent":"foo"}

UNIX socket

require 'fluent-logger'

log = Fluent::Logger::FluentLogger.new(nil, :socket_path => "/tmp/fluent.sock")
unless log.post("myapp.access", {"agent" => "foo"})
  # Passed records are stored into logger's internal buffer so don't re-post same event.
  p log.last_error # You can get last error object via last_error method

# output: myapp.access {"agent":"foo"}

Tag prefix

require 'fluent-logger'

log = Fluent::Logger::FluentLogger.new('myapp', :host => 'localhost', :port => 24224)
log.post("access", {"agent" => "foo"})

# output: myapp.access {"agent":"foo"}

Nonblocking write

require 'fluent-logger'

log = Fluent::Logger::FluentLogger.new(nil, :host => 'localhost', :port => 24224, :use_nonblock => true, :wait_writeable => false)
# When wait_writeable is false
  log.post("myapp.access", {"agent" => "foo"})
rescue IO::EAGAINWaitWritable => e
  # wait code for avoding "Resource temporarily unavailable"
  # Passed records are stored into logger's internal buffer so don't re-post same event.

# When wait_writeable is true
unless log.post("myapp.access", {"agent" => "foo"})
  # same as other example

# output: myapp.access {"agent":"foo"}

TLS setting

require 'fluent-logger'

tls_opts = {
  :ca   => '/path/to/cacert.pem',
  :cert => '/path/to/client-cert.pem',
  :key  => '/path/to/client-key.pem',
  :key_passphrase => 'test'
log = Fluent::Logger::FluentLogger.new(nil, :host => 'localhost', :port => 24224, :tls_options => tls_opts)

in_forward config example:

  @type forward
  <transport tls>
    version TLS1_2
    ca_path /path/to/cacert.pem
    cert_path /path/to/server-cert.pem
    private_key_path /path/to/server-key.pem
    private_key_passphrase test
    client_cert_auth true


require 'fluent-logger'

Fluent::Logger::FluentLogger.open(nil, :host => 'localhost', :port => 24224)
Fluent::Logger.post("myapp.access", {"agent" => "foo"})

# output: myapp.access {"agent":"foo"}

Logger options

host (String)

fluentd instance host

port (Integer)

fluentd instance port

socket_path (String)

If specified, fluentd uses unix domain socket instead of TCP.

nanosecond_precision (Bool)

Use nano second event time instead of epoch. See also "Tips" section.

use_nonblock (Bool)

Use nonblocking write(IO#write_nonblock) instead of normal write(IO#write). If Logger#post stuck on your environment, specify true. Default: false

wait_writeable (Bool)

If false, Logger#post raises an error when nonblocking write gets EAGAIN (i.e. use_nonblock must be true, otherwise this will have no effect). Default: true

buffer_overflow_handler (Proc)

Pass callback for handling buffer overflow with pending data. See "Buffer overflow" section.

tls_options (Hash)

Pass TLS related options.

  • use_default_ca: Set true if you want to use default CA
  • ca: CA file path
  • cert: Certificate file path
  • key: Private key file path
  • key_passphrase: Private key passphrase
  • version: TLS version. Default is OpenSSL::SSL::TLS1_2_VERSION
  • ciphers: The list of cipher suites. Default is ALL:!aNULL:!eNULL:!SSLv2
  • insecure: Set true when in_forward uses insecure true

Standard ::Logger compatible interface


require 'fluent-logger'
f = Fluent::Logger::LevelFluentLogger.new('fluent')

f.info("some application running.")
# output: fluent.info: {"level":"INFO","message":"some application running."}

f.warn("some application running.")
# output: fluent.warn: {"level":"WARN","message":"some application running."}

Example2(add progname)

require 'fluent-logger'
f = Fluent::Logger::LevelFluentLogger.new('fluent')
f.info("some_application") {"some application running."}
# output: fluent.info: {"level":"INFO","message":"some application running.","progname":"some_application"}

Example3(set log level)

require 'fluent-logger'
f = Fluent::Logger::LevelFluentLogger.new('fluent')
f.level = Logger::WARN
f.info("some_application") {"some application running."}

Log level is ERROR so no output.

default log level is debug.

Example4(customize format for Rails)

require 'fluent-logger'
f = Fluent::Logger::LevelFluentLogger.new('fluent')

f.formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, progname, message|
  map = { level: severity }
  map[:message] = message if message
  map[:progname] = progname if progname
  map[:stage] = ENV['RAILS_ENV']
  map[:service_name] = "SomeApp"

f.info("some_application"){"some application running."}
# output: fluent.info: {"level":"INFO","message":"some application running.","progname":"some_application","stage":"production","service_name":"SomeApp"}



Fluent::Logger::FluentLogger.open('tag_prefix', :host => 'localhost', :port => 24224)






Use nanosecond-precision time

To send events with nanosecond-precision time (Fluent 0.14 and up), specify nanosecond_precision to FluentLogger constructor.

log = Fluent::Logger::FluentLogger.new(nil, :host => 'localhost', :port => 24224, :nanosecond_precision => true)
# Use nanosecond time instead
log.post("myapp.access", {"agent" => "foo"})
log.post_with_time("myapp.access", {"agent" => "foo"}, Time.now) # Need Time object for post_with_time

Buffer overflow

You can inject your own custom proc to handle buffer overflow in the event of connection failure. This will mitigate the loss of data instead of simply throwing data away.

Your proc must accept a single argument, which will be the internal buffer of messages from the logger. A typical use-case for this would be writing to disk or possibly writing to Redis.

class BufferOverflowHandler
  attr_accessor :buffer

  def flush(messages)
    @buffer ||= []
    MessagePack::Unpacker.new.feed_each(messages) do |msg|
      @buffer << msg

handler = Proc.new { |messages| BufferOverflowHandler.new.flush(messages) }

  :host => 'localhost', :port => 24224,
  :buffer_overflow_handler => handler)


name description
Web site http://fluentd.org/
Documents http://docs.fluentd.org/
Source repository https://github.com/fluent/fluent-logger-ruby
Author Sadayuki Furuhashi
Copyright (c) 2011 FURUHASHI Sadayuki
License Apache License, Version 2.0