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Could the `Elasticsearch OUTPUT` Index configuration support dynamic index name (use record accessor) ?
Hi there, I currently have this issue: I am using a Lua script to dynamically generate the index name for the Index configuration, as shown in the script below:
function label_filter(tag, timestamp, record)
if record["kubernetes"] == nil then
return 0, timestamp, record
local namespace = record["kubernetes"]["namespace_name"]
local labels = record["kubernetes"]["labels"]
local log_tag = nil
local index_name = nil
if labels ~= nil then
local logging = labels["logging"]
local component = labels["component"]
local app = labels and labels["app"]
if logging == "back" then
log_tag = string.format("java.back.%s.%s", namespace, app)
if namespace == "backstage" then
index_name = string.format("k8s-prod-backstage-%s", app)
elseif namespace == "backstage-test" then
index_name = string.format("k8s-test-backstage-%s", app)
elseif logging == "plat" then
log_tag = string.format("java.%s.%s.%s", logging, namespace, app)
if namespace == "platform" then
index_name = string.format("k8s-prod-platform-%s", app)
elseif namespace == "platform-test" then
index_name = string.format("k8s-test-platform-%s", app)
elseif component == "jobmanager" then
log_tag = string.format("flink.jobmanager.%s.%s", namespace, app)
index_name = "flink-jobmanager"
elseif component == "taskmanager" then
log_tag = string.format("flink.taskmanager.%s.%s", namespace, app)
index_name = "flink-taskmanager"
elseif logging == "nginx" then
log_tag = string.format("nginx.%s", namespace)
index_name = "kubernetes-ingress-nginx"
if log_tag then
record["log_tag"] = log_tag
record["index_name"] = index_name
return 2, timestamp, record
return 0, timestamp, record
When I configure Elasticsearch OUTPUT as follows:
name es
match *
host <host>
port 9200
index $index_name
replace_dots on
retry_limit 2
buffer_size 10mb
tls on
tls.verify off
http_user elastic
http_passwd <password>
suppress_type_name on
trace_error on
It doesn't work properly, presumably because the Index configuration doesn't use record accessor
But if I use logstash_prefix_key
it causes the index name to be $index_name-YYYY.MM.DD
which I don't want
logstash_format on
logstash_prefix_key $index_name
Could the Elasticsearch OUTPUT
Index configuration support dynamic index name (use record accessor) ?
Or is there any other way ?