opsu copied to clipboard
an open-source osu! client
**Version:** 0.16.0b **OS:** Linux (armv7l) **JRE:** The Android Project 0 **OpenGL version:** OpenGL ES 3.2 v1.r12p1-04bet0.b125fee3fb58301c951089b9a402d362 (ARM) BOARD: BND-AL10 FINGERPRINT: HONOR/BND-AL10/HWBND-H:7.0/HONORBND-AL10/C00B192:user/release-keys HOST: shajk0108cna MODEL: BND-AL10 INCREMENTAL: C00B192 RELEASE: 7.0 **Error:**...
(coppied from itdelatrisu/osu since only desktops are supported there) sometimes when i retry a song multiple times using retry, the playfield appears normally but the song doesn't start nor is...
[Type your description here. Feel free to delete the info below if it's not relevant.] --- **Version:** 0.16.0b **OS:** nacl (x86) **JRE:** The Android Project 0 **OpenGL version:** OpenGL ES...
Carbon copy of https://github.com/itdelatrisu/opsu/issues/346 Lemmmy mentions: https://github.com/itdelatrisu/opsu/issues/340 and https://github.com/itdelatrisu/opsu/issues/343 --- (Maybe a false alarm at my part since I am out of the loop but still, do check it out)...
The current offset has a problem when playing other beatmaps or when you play DT or HT It messes the offset of the beatmap Could you please add a feature...
When evwr i import a song or try to download a song and then import it the song either does not pop up or gives me the wrong song ---...
I just downloaded opsu! from this repo and tried to grab some beatmaps. From the official [osu! website](osu.ppy.sh), the beatmaps work properly, so do others from the built-in downloader. But...
**Version:** 0.16.0b **OS:** Linux (armv8l) **JRE:** The Android Project 0 **OpenGL version:** OpenGL ES 3.2 v1.r15p0-00rel0.68b65ac7cf15907aeb95fa944f39eef2 (ARM) BOARD: universal7420 FINGERPRINT: Verizon/zenltevzw/zenltevzw:7.0/NRD90M/G928VVRS3CQE1:user/release-keys HOST: SWDG5303 MODEL: SM-G928V INCREMENTAL: G928VVRS3CQE1 RELEASE: 7.0 **Error:**...
**Version:** 0.16.0b **OS:** Linux (armv8l) **JRE:** The Android Project 0 **OpenGL version:** OpenGL ES 3.2 v1.r3p0-00rel0.dce8ca6a85819d8495118734e2e3ccc6 (ARM) BOARD: universal8895 FINGERPRINT: samsung/dreamltexx/dreamlte:7.0/NRD90M/G950FXXU1AQH3:user/release-keys HOST: SWDG9810 MODEL: SM-G950F INCREMENTAL: G950FXXU1AQH3 RELEASE: 7.0 **Error:**...
**Version:** 0.16.0b **OS:** Linux (armv7l) **JRE:** The Android Project 0 **OpenGL version:** OpenGL ES 2.0 (ARM) BOARD: unknown FINGERPRINT: RCA/RCT6513W87/RCT6513W87:6.0/MRA58K/1469030504:user/release-keys HOST: pb-server MODEL: RCT6513W87 INCREMENTAL: 1507621719 RELEASE: 6.0 **Error:** `RenderError`...