yo-flutter icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
yo-flutter copied to clipboard

A clone of Yo!

Yo! In Flutter.


Basically Yo! written in Flutter. Done in a three hour workshop with people who never used Flutter before 🍻

How to build the app

Are you in a hurry and just want to check out the end-result on your phone? In the releases tab you will find a precompiled APK to download 🚀

If you would like to compile the code and run the app on your machine, you will have to create a new Firebase project and make sure to add the following files:



Also add the SHA-1 of your local certificate to Firebase when you register the Android app in order to make the Google Sign-In work.

On iOS you need to edit ios/Runner/Info.plist and paste in your REVERSED_CLIENT_ID.

Last but not least you will have to deploy the Cloud Function inside the firebase folder and replace the URL inside the home_page.dart file. And voilà, you are all set!


Please note that this code is not production ready, it should just show how quick you could build a million dollar app for Android and iOS 😉