calcleaner copied to clipboard
A simple graphical tool to purge old events from CalDAV calendars
|Github| |Discord| |Github Actions| |Black| |License|
A simple graphical tool to purge old events from CalDAV calendars
.. figure:: ./screenshot.png :alt: Screenshot of Calcleaner
PyGObject <>
_ -
caldav <>
Flatpak (Linux)
A Flatpak package is available on Flathub. This is currently the simplest way
to install CalCleaner on all major Linux distributions:
Linux (source)
First, you will need to install some dependencies on your system. On Debian and
Ubuntu this can be achieved with the following command::
sudo apt install git build-essential python3 python3-dev python3-pip libgirepository1.0-dev pkg-config gir1.2-gtk-3.0
Then clone this repository and navigate to it::
git clone
cd calcleaner
Then install CalCleaner using pip::
sudo pip3 install .
Finally, you can install desktop file, icons and manual using the following
sudo ./linuxpkg/ /usr
Linux (PyPI)
First, you will need to install some dependencies on your system. On Debian and
Ubuntu this can be achieved with the following command::
sudo apt install git build-essential python3 python3-dev python3-pip libgirepository1.0-dev pkg-config gir1.2-gtk-3.0
Then install CalCleaner using pip::
sudo pip3 install calcleaner
**NOTE:** Installing from PyPI will not install ``.desktop`` file and man page.
You will not be able to run the software from your graphical app menu (GNOME
Contributing / Hacking
If you have any question, you can:
* `open an issue <>`_ on Github,
* or `ask on Discord <>`_ (I am not always
available for chatting but I try to answer to everyone).
If you found a bug, please `open an issue
<>`_ on Github with as much
information as possible:
* What is your operating system / Linux distribution (and its version),
* How you installed the software,
* All the logs and message outputted by the software,
* ...
Pull Requests
Please consider `filing a bug <>`_
before starting to work on a new feature. This will allow us to discuss the
best way to do it. This is of course not necessary if you just want to fix some
typo or small errors in the code.
Please note that your code must pass tests and follow the coding style defined
by the `pep8 <>`_. `Flake8
<>`_ and `Black
<>`_ are used on this project to enforce
coding style.
Translating Calcleaner
If the software is not available in your language, you can help translate it.
To translate Calcleaner, you can submit your translations using a Pull Request on Github,
Do not forget to add your name as the translation of the translator-credits
key (one name per line, e-mail is optional)::
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""
"John DOE\n"
"Other TRANSLATOR <[email protected]>\n"
Running the project
First, install dependencies (preferably in a virtualenv)::
pip install -e ".[dev]"
Then run::
python -m calcleaner
Coding Style / Lint
This project follows Black's <>
_ coding style.
To check coding style, you will first have to install nox <>
pip3 install nox
Then you can check for lint error (Flake8 and Black)::
nox --session lint
You can fix automatically coding style with::
nox -s black_fix
Tu run tests, you will first have to install `nox <>`_::
pip3 install nox
Then run the following command::
nox -s test
Extract, Update or Build Translations
You will first have to install nox <>
pip3 install nox
To extract messages and update locales run::
nox --session locales_update
To compile locales, run::
nox --session locales_compile
NOTE: you will need to have xgettext
, msgmerge
and msgfmt
executable installed on your system to run the above commands. On Debian /
Ubuntu, they can be installed with the following command::
sudo apt install gettext
Regenerating Icons
To regenerate icons, Inkscape must be installed. On Debian and Ubuntu you can
install it with the following command::
sudo apt install inkscape
You will also need `nox <>`_ to run the generation
pip3 install nox
Once everithing installed, you can regenerate icons with the following command::
nox -s gen_icons
Supporting this project
Wanna support this project?
* `☕️ Buy me a coffee <>`__,
* `❤️ sponsor me on Github <>`__,
* `💵️ or give me a tip on PayPal <>`__.
* **[NEXT]** (changes on ``master`` but not released yet):
* chore: Added Python 3.12 support
* chore!: Removed Python 3.7 support
* **v1.1.3:**
* Added Turkish translation (@sabriunal, #8)
* **v1.1.2:**
* Added Croatian translation (@milotype, #7)
* Added Python 3.11 support
* **v1.1.1:**
* Added German translation (Jürgen Benvenuti)
* **v1.1.0:**
* UI improvements:
* Double border removed in calendar view
* Accessibility improved by changing the widgets used to build the "pages"
of the main window
* Translations:
* Dutch (#5, @Vistaus)
* Brazilian Portuguese (incomplete)
* **v1.0.0:**
* Allow to disable SSL certificate validation (self-signed certificate, etc.)
* Improve error message on SSL errors
* Set the user agent string to "CalCleaner/<VERSION>"
* Fix calendar of removed account still displayed after closing account
management dialog
* Fix a crash when cleaning an empty (malformed) event
* Italian translation (#1, @albanobattistella)
* **v0.9.1 (beta):**
* Fix data not included in packages
* **v0.9.0 (beta):**
* Initial release
* French translation
.. |Github| image::
.. |Discord| image::
.. |Github Actions| image::
.. |Black| image::
.. |License| image::