vagrant-php-template icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vagrant-php-template copied to clipboard

Vagrant and Ansible configuration to build a lamp stack on ubuntu 14.04 trusty64 or 12.04 precise64. The purpose of this repository is to create an essential vagrant for PHP development.

####Table of Contents

  1. [Requirements] (#requirements)
  2. [Development Usage] (#development-usage)
    • [PHP version] (#choose-the-php-version)
  3. [Continuous Delivery Usage] (#continuous-delivery-usage)


  • vagrant >= 1.6.3
  • virtual box >= 4.3.10

Development Usage

  • clone repo
  • insert your mysql info into provisioning/ideato.database.mysql/vars/main.yml
  • insert apache and virtual host info into provisioning/ideato.webserver/vars/main.yml
  • copy vagrantconfig.dist.yml in vagrantconfig.yml
  • customize vagrantconfig.yml to your needs (use hashicorp/precise64 as box for php 5.4 or ubuntu/trusty64 for php5.5 or php5.6)
  • run "vagrant up"
  • To use phpmyadmin go to:

Choose the PHP version

To install php5.4:

  • choose hashicorp/precise64 as box

To install php5.5 or php5.6:

  • choose ubuntu/trusty64 as box
  • choose the php version ppa in provisioning/ideato.webserver/vars/main.yml

This configuration install:

  • php 5.x
  • phpunit 4.3
  • composer (latest)
  • phing (latest)
  • idephix (latest)
  • apache 2.4.x
  • mysql 5.5.x

Composer Auth Token

In provisioning/ideato.webserver/vars/main.yml you can add a GitHub access token. Head to and generate your own access token, then assign it to the composer_github_oauth variable.

Continuous Delivery Usage

You can also use vagrant-php-template as a Continuous Delivery tool. We found three stages on our deployment pipeline and mapped on the template using Vagrant and Ansible for dev environment and stage & production just Ansible. You can provision Debian or RedHat staging/production env, on next release you can also setup a RedHat development environment

A possible workflow is:

  1. provision your dev environment using Vagrant
  2. when you had tested and completed your feature inside your dev environment you can start provision a stage environment and push on it

Following the Jez Humble Continuous Delivery book, we also thought is a good idea to not distinguish a staging or production environment. A staging environment is a production like environment.

When you have tested your feature, you are ready to push on staging env, to this follow these instructions:

  1. please edit hosts.ini for stage and prod env( for i.e)

  2. please edit host_vars/staging.yml and host_vars/production.yml and set variables like a common dev usage

  3. to provision with Ansible:

    Please note that you have to be able to connect to the remote machines

    • launch on staging

      nsible-playbook  -i vagrant/provisioning/hosts.ini  --extra-vars "target=staging target_user=<your remote user> target_vars=host_vars/staging.yml" -vv
    • launch on production

      nsible-playbook  -i vagrant/provisioning/hosts.ini -vagrant/provisioning/playbooks.yml --extra-vars "target=production target_user=<your remote user> target_vars=host_vars/production.yml" -vv