Andy Walker

Results 115 comments of Andy Walker

I’m onboard with the roadmap here as-is. Basic navigation and paging with standard keys and editing are really my only hard features. Color would be nice, but not required at...

Is anyone aware of another widget (in any repo) that implements this functionality, even in a very basic way? I fully understand the difficulties in doing an implementation "the right...

@glycerine, I did (by the way, love your libraries), but, like you mentioned above in 2018, there's no quick example of embedding it as a widget and when I looked...

> Keep in mind, though, that it won't change the "guaranteed" max size, since there is guarantee that the compression will actually reduce the size. I am not sure what...

Okay, so wait, I’m confused. I guess it might help to discuss the intended purpose of maxmessagesize. If it’s just a knob to adjust cluster performance and storage allocation and...

@cocktail828 I see you have checked in a fix for this issue in your fork; is there any way you'd be able to issue a PR for this?

This issue is now becoming a problem for us in Go pulsar functions again, due to occasional large JSON messages which would likely compress very well, only they appear to...

To add some context, @frankjkelly and I spoke in the Pulsar Slack, and he mentioned that he misunderstood @codelipenghui's recommendation and that a `Reader` might work for him. Whether there's...

Feature parity alone is not a compelling reason for me, since it duplicates functionality. Re-reading your use-case, it seems that you might even benefit more from a traditional consumer with...

`HasNext()` gives you the ability to bail when you're caught up. If you just loop on `reader.Next(ctx)`, you should get the behavior you desire: the client should block until it...