So then I shall close this?
Ok, yes I also would like to see that. And regarding the location I thought it would be nice to set customized separator and radix. That's why I implemented this...
> Please v run `v fmt -w` on all the files. Done... But should I add this feature to `strconv` rather than the `strings`-module? What do you think?
> > > Please v run `v fmt -w` on all the files. > > > > > > Done... But should I add this feature to `strconv` rather than...
I ran v fmt -w and added the docs in the comments… shall I change something?
Obviously there were some network errors again… @Delta456 may I ask you to run the checks again?
Thank you, @Delta456 . It seems that the errors will not resolve... I don't know why. Shall I make a new commit?
Mmhhh... I will try a force push...
I will create a new one hoping that the errors won't occur anymore...
this works, thanks! just reported that, because the compiler told me to do so :-)