bolt_sips copied to clipboard
Neo4j version 4 support
As written in README, bolt_sips
does not compatible with neo4j version 4.
Neo4j versions used for test: 3.0, 3.1, 3.4, 3.5
mix test
So when I run mix test
with version 4.4.12, one test does not work.
Can I work on this issue and send a PR? Because I'd like to use this library for my project. Thank you.
So when I run mix test with version 4.4.12, one test does not work.
sure. Also specifying which "one test" doesn't work, would help clarifying the context better next time.
Hello, thank you for the reply!
> mix test 23:13
Excluding tags: [:bolt_v1, :routing, :boltkit, :enterprise, :skip, :bench, :apoc]
1) test exception when creating a node using SET properties with a nested map (ErrorsTest)
Wrong message for Bolt.Sips.Exception
"Property values can only be of primitive types or arrays thereof"
"Property values can only be of primitive types or arrays thereof. Encountered: Map{baz -> String(\"foo\"), unu -> Long(1), doi -> Long(2)}."
code: assert_raise Bolt.Sips.Exception, err, fn ->
test/errors_test.exs:28: (test)
The following output was logged:
2022-10-24 23:13:38.226 [debug] C: RUN ~ ["CREATE (report:Report) SET report = $props", %{props: %{a_list: [1, 2, 3.14], a_map: %{baz: "foo", doi: 2, unu: 1}, bolt_sips: true, foo: "bar"}}, %{}]
2022-10-24 23:13:38.227 [debug] S: RECORD ~ [0]
2022-10-24 23:13:38.227 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{"bookmark" => "FB:kcwQqQRXgOcbQxGwtaBRge3Q32CQ", "t_last" => 4, "type" => "r"}
2022-10-24 23:13:38.229 [debug] C: HANDSHAKE ~ "<<0x60, 0x60, 0xB0, 0x17>> [3, 2, 1, 0]"
2022-10-24 23:13:38.229 [debug] S: HANDSHAKE ~ 3
2022-10-24 23:13:38.230 [debug] C: HELLO ~ [%{credentials: "test", principal: "neo4j", scheme: "basic", user_agent: "BoltSips/2.0.11"}]
2022-10-24 23:13:38.243 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{"connection_id" => "bolt-281", "hints" => %{}, "server" => "Neo4j/4.4.12"}
2022-10-24 23:13:38.243 [debug] C: RUN ~ ["RETURN 1 AS num", %{}, %{}]
2022-10-24 23:13:38.246 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{"fields" => ["num"], "t_first" => 2}
2022-10-24 23:13:38.246 [debug] C: PULL_ALL ~ []
2022-10-24 23:13:38.249 [debug] S: RECORD ~ [1]
2022-10-24 23:13:38.249 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{"bookmark" => "FB:kcwQqQRXgOcbQxGwtaBRge3Q32CQ", "t_last" => 1, "type" => "r"}
2022-10-24 23:13:38.249 [debug] S: FAILURE ~ %{"code" => "Neo.ClientError.Statement.TypeError", "message" => "Property values can only be of primitive types or arrays thereof. Encountered: Map{baz -> String(\"foo\"), unu -> Long(1), doi -> Long(2)}."}
2022-10-24 23:13:38.249 [debug] C: RESET ~ []
2022-10-24 23:13:38.250 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{}
Finished in 3.2 seconds
39 doctests, 479 tests, 1 failure, 43 excluded
> mix test 23:13
Excluding tags: [:bolt_v1, :routing, :boltkit, :enterprise, :skip, :bench, :apoc]
1) test exception when creating a node using SET properties with a nested map (ErrorsTest)
Wrong message for Bolt.Sips.Exception
"Property values can only be of primitive types or arrays thereof"
"Property values can only be of primitive types or arrays thereof. Encountered: Map{baz -> String(\"foo\"), unu -> Long(1), doi -> Long(2)}."
code: assert_raise Bolt.Sips.Exception, err, fn ->
test/errors_test.exs:28: (test)
The following output was logged:
2022-10-24 23:13:38.226 [debug] C: RUN ~ ["CREATE (report:Report) SET report = $props", %{props: %{a_list: [1, 2, 3.14], a_map: %{baz: "foo", doi: 2, unu: 1}, bolt_sips: true, foo: "bar"}}, %{}]
2022-10-24 23:13:38.227 [debug] S: RECORD ~ [0]
2022-10-24 23:13:38.227 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{"bookmark" => "FB:kcwQqQRXgOcbQxGwtaBRge3Q32CQ", "t_last" => 4, "type" => "r"}
2022-10-24 23:13:38.229 [debug] C: HANDSHAKE ~ "<<0x60, 0x60, 0xB0, 0x17>> [3, 2, 1, 0]"
2022-10-24 23:13:38.229 [debug] S: HANDSHAKE ~ 3
2022-10-24 23:13:38.230 [debug] C: HELLO ~ [%{credentials: "test", principal: "neo4j", scheme: "basic", user_agent: "BoltSips/2.0.11"}]
2022-10-24 23:13:38.243 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{"connection_id" => "bolt-281", "hints" => %{}, "server" => "Neo4j/4.4.12"}
2022-10-24 23:13:38.243 [debug] C: RUN ~ ["RETURN 1 AS num", %{}, %{}]
2022-10-24 23:13:38.246 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{"fields" => ["num"], "t_first" => 2}
2022-10-24 23:13:38.246 [debug] C: PULL_ALL ~ []
2022-10-24 23:13:38.249 [debug] S: RECORD ~ [1]
2022-10-24 23:13:38.249 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{"bookmark" => "FB:kcwQqQRXgOcbQxGwtaBRge3Q32CQ", "t_last" => 1, "type" => "r"}
2022-10-24 23:13:38.249 [debug] S: FAILURE ~ %{"code" => "Neo.ClientError.Statement.TypeError", "message" => "Property values can only be of primitive types or arrays thereof. Encountered: Map{baz -> String(\"foo\"), unu -> Long(1), doi -> Long(2)}."}
2022-10-24 23:13:38.249 [debug] C: RESET ~ []
2022-10-24 23:13:38.250 [debug] S: SUCCESS ~ %{}
Finished in 3.2 seconds
39 doctests, 479 tests, 1 failure, 43 excluded
This test does not work in version 4.4.12. thank you.
Are there any plans for bolt protocol version 5?
none from my end, sorry.
Alright thanks for the update :+1: