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Cyclomatic complexity for Simulink models
Need to decide on a supported sub-set of blocks. Need significant parsing and interpretation of models.
The following seems like a good first set of blocks to think about supporting:
- [ ] Abs
- [ ] ActionPort
- [ ] ArithShift
- [ ] Assertion
- [ ] Assignment
- [ ] Bias
- [ ] BusAssignment
- [ ] BusCreator
- [ ] BusSelector
- [ ] Clock
- [ ] Concatenate
- [ ] Constant
- [ ] DataStoreMemory
- [ ] DataStoreRead
- [ ] DataStoreWrite
- [ ] DataTypeConversion
- [ ] DataTypeDuplicate
- [ ] Delay
- [ ] Demux
- [ ] Derivative
- [ ] DigitalClock
- [ ] DiscreteFir
- [ ] DiscreteIntegrator
- [ ] DiscreteStateSpace
- [ ] DiscreteTransferFcn
- [ ] DiscreteZeroPole
- [ ] Display
- [ ] EnablePort
- [ ] EventListener
- [ ] Fcn
- [ ] ForIterator
- [ ] From
- [ ] FromWorkspace
- [ ] FunctionCallSplit
- [ ] FunctionCaller
- [ ] Gain
- [ ] Goto
- [ ] GotoTagVisibility
- [ ] Ground
- [ ] If
- [ ] Inport
- [ ] Integrator
- [ ] Interpolation_n-D
- [ ] Logic
- [ ] Lookup_n-D
- [ ] MATLABFcn
- [ ] MATLABSystem
- [ ] Math
- [ ] Memory
- [ ] Merge
- [ ] MinMax
- [ ] MultiPortSwitch
- [ ] Mux
- [ ] Outport
- [ ] PreLookup
- [ ] Product
- [ ] RateTransition
- [ ] RelationalOperator
- [ ] Relay
- [ ] Reshape
- [ ] Rounding
- [ ] SampleTimeMath
- [ ] Saturate
- [ ] Scope
- [ ] Selector
- [ ] SignalConversion
- [ ] SignalSpecification
- [ ] Signum
- [ ] Sqrt
- [ ] Step
- [ ] Stop
- [ ] SubSystem
- [ ] Sum
- [ ] Switch
- [ ] SwitchCase
- [ ] Terminator
- [ ] ToWorkspace
- [ ] TransferFcn
- [ ] TransportDelay
- [ ] Trigonometry
- [ ] UnitDelay
- [ ] WhileIterator
- [ ] Width
References are probably hard:
- [ ] Reference
- [ ] ModelReference
Part of simulink functions
- [ ] ArgIn
- [ ] ArgOut
- [ ] TriggerPort
Not clear how to deal with:
- [ ] CCaller
- [ ] S-Function
- [ ] InportShadow
- [ ] Lookup