Florian Schanda
Florian Schanda
I am thinking on how to produce feedback. For example in https://github.com/Calysto/octave_kernel/blob/main/octave_kernel.ipynb The first bit of code is: ```matlab t = linspace(0,6*pi,100); plot(sin(t)) grid on hold on plot(cos(t), 'r') ```...
@Freed-Wu there is MISS_HIT integration into pre-commit as described here https://florianschanda.github.io/miss_hit/configuration.html
I have to say I am not keen. I have put considerable effort into eliminating tabs, and pretty much based everything around that. There are two reasons for this: *...
> For me, tabs vs spaces is a way to express intent: if I indent, I use tabs; for anything else, I use spaces. Back when I was much younger...
Now that is just ugly, why'd you want to do that? :) Are there some other tools that expect it to be like that?
OK, thank you for the concrete example. I will see what I can do, but I am not getting a lot of time to work on MH these days; so...
@fangq your test contains a syntax error as far as I am aware (missing `end` for the main function defined in the file). I don't have access to a matlab...
With `indent_function_file_body: false` the fixed file looks like this: ```matlab function output = mainfun(input) % % docstring for mainfun % copyright ... % the main-function should be flattened without indentation...
@fangq I have added a test + config file that shows you can get precisely what you wrote above. https://github.com/florianschanda/miss_hit/tree/master/tests/style/issue_265_alternative_indent I am closing the ticket, but if I missed something...
I didn't know the final end could be missing. I will add support for that.