Florian Mayer

Results 51 comments of Florian Mayer

Nope, not deferring, only on holidays this week and banned from coding by executive order of wife. Will work on it first thing when I'm back - hope that's enough...

Wait I think I misunderstood what Dave meant with "deferring". Nevertheless the WiFi up here is too shaky to ssh into my ckan. On 08/09/2015 9:42 pm, "Florian May" [email protected]...

@davidread thanks for the testing framework, I'll give it a whirl! FYI my particular harvesting requirements ended up being highly customised and co-evolving with the harvesting process, so I scripted...

When I had to migrate data into CKAN, I gave up on the harvester, and used the CKAN API from an iPython notebook: https://github.com/datawagovau/harvesters (same link as in my comment...

thanks, I'll try my luck on a custom harvester using dataset_schema_list and _show!

Still running into #151 and no idea how to debug that one... ckanapi looking better and better.

Update: how to run `merge_fixtures` from inside a function using Python 3.4+ ``` from contextlib import redirect_stdout f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): call_command( "merge_fixtures", "my_app/fixtures/test_fixture_1.json", "my_app/fixtures/test_fixture_2.json", "my_app/fixtures/test_fixture_3.json", "my_app/fixtures/test_fixture_4.json" ) with...

Just ran into this error, confirmed it's fixed by using master: ``` pip install -e git+https://github.com/davedash/django-fixture-magic.git@master#egg=django_fixture_magic pip freeze | grep fixture -e git+https://github.com/davedash/django-fixture-magic.git@466fa35c075009e4a1974f6e588471dd9e720e53#egg=django_fixture_magic ```

Cool, no worries. I've got some prod data in extra fields which is tricky to migrate as any edit to a dataset with scheming fields deletes any extra fields. Would...

@wardi as scheming disables free-form extra fields, and harvesting requires them, what's the path of least resistance to ckan_harvest between two ckan instances with (easy: the same, harder: different) custom...