Florian Duros
Florian Duros
Hmm, maybe it's the insertion of a word from the browser suggestion which doesn't work in the Rich text editor
> What do we get from using AccessibilityButton without its accessible keyboard handling? Why not just switch to Compound button for usecases which need `disableKeyboardOverrides` Because, it means add all...
> We have a 50/50-ish mix of Compound/local tooltips already, so please do not consider that a blocker, preferring Compound tooltips going forward Okay, I'll discard the use of the...
Hi! Thanks for the contribution. Can you fix the typescript, lint and tests errors to make the CI happy?
@akirk Hello! The CI is in failure. Do you still want to work on this PR? Thanks
Hi! We are moving to a new composer, the Rich text editor. Due to all the conflicts and the size of changes, we will close it in favor of the...
The option `settings > notifications > Show all activity in the room list (dots or number of unread messages)` is not enough?
@richvdh So what do we need to do "If we detect that you have key backup, but no 4S" instead of showing this broken flow?
I closed it by mistake and I reopened it
Yep, I'm trying to find how to do it