Results 86 comments of Florent CHAMPIGNY

it's not possible no :/ but If I add this, I have to make it available from android & ios & macos but it's a good feature to add

I don't know how to play music in windows and linux, maybe using C++ I am not personally able to develop it but If someone send me a pull request...

# Custom notif on platforms ```dart settings: NotificationSettings.perPlatform( android: AndroidNotification( // because you can have up to 4 actions action1: NotificationActionsPrev.prev() action2: NotificationActions.playPause(), action3: NotificationActionsNext.next(), action4: NotificationActions.stop(), ), ios: iOSNotification(...

# Custom notif on platforms ```dart settings: NotificationSettings.perPlatform( android: AndroidNotification( action1: NotificationActions.playPause( customAction: (player) { //action } ), ), ios: iOSNotification( playPause: NotificationActions.playPause( customAction: (player) { //action } ), )...

# Custom action & custom icon Android eg: custom icon (heart) ```dart settings: NotificationSettings.perPlatform( android: AndroidNotification( action1: NotificationActions.custom( iconBuilder: (player, currentAudio) { if(isFavorite(currentAudio.path)){ return AndroidDrawable("ic_fav_full"); } else { return AndroidDrawable("ic_fav_empty");...

# seek instead of prev action (on android, I need to find how to handle the icon) ```dart settings: NotificationSettings.perPlatform( android: AndroidNotification( //eg: seek in place of prev action1: NotificationActionsPrev.seek(by:...

oh **NowPlayableCommand** ``` case pause, play, stop, togglePausePlay case nextTrack, previousTrack, changeRepeatMode, changeShuffleMode case changePlaybackRate, seekBackward, seekForward, skipBackward, skipForward, changePlaybackPosition case rating, like, dislike case bookmark case enableLanguageOption, disableLanguageOption ```

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20591156/is-there-a-public-way-to-force-mpnowplayinginfocenter-to-show-podcast-controls For seek : ```swift import MediaPlayer let rcc = MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared() let skipBackwardCommand = rcc.skipBackwardCommand skipBackwardCommand.isEnabled = true skipBackwardCommand.addTarget(handler: skipBackward) skipBackwardCommand.preferredIntervals = [42] let skipForwardCommand = rcc.skipForwardCommand skipForwardCommand.isEnabled = true...

yes I set null to the edittext background, you want to have, for example, an EditText with black background on a white card ? or change the color of the...

I added an attribute to change the height and fixed the pre-lollipop on the 1.0.2