ViewTooltip copied to clipboard
When attempting to show a tooltip, I get this error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroidx/core/widget/NestedScrollView
Here is my code:
toolTip = ViewTooltip
.autoHide(false, 1000)
.onDisplay {
toolTipShowing = true
.onHide {
if (tooltipView.parent != null) {
(tooltipView.parent as ViewGroup).removeView(tooltipView)
toolTipShowing = false
The same error
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroidx/core/widget/NestedScrollView;
at com.github.florent37.viewtooltip.ViewTooltip.findScrollParent(
at com.github.florent37.viewtooltip.ViewTooltip.<init>(
at com.github.florent37.viewtooltip.ViewTooltip.on(
Looks like this issue is related to this library using AndroidX for version 1.2.x - and the project that I'm working on hasn't migrated to use AndroidX yet.
I reverted to use 1.1.8 (i.e. pre-AndroidX) and the library is working fine now.
What if we want to use it with Android X?