ViewTooltip icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ViewTooltip copied to clipboard

A fluent tooltip for Android

Results 44 ViewTooltip issues
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Please change the host location from jcenter to mavenCentral. Because we cannot use your library. please solve it as soon as possible. so that we can user you library.

I am trying to make a something like this. How Do I do it?

jcenter will set sunset on May 1, 2021 [announcement]( Code above will cause text looks have extra padding on the left. drawBubble should be call like below: ``` drawBubble(new RectF(shadowPadding, shadowPadding, getWidth() - shadowPadding, getHeight() - shadowPadding),...

When using **ViewTooltip.Position.TOP** on a view, the tooltip is not displayed at all. Version used: 1.2.0

Hi, I need to set the give margin to the complete tooltip. Using padding is shifting the content inside the view. Currently the Tooltip is taking up the complete width...

My app was using this ViewTooltip to show some user tutorials. It looks good to me, but recently, I found that using this library may cause the Android UI renderer...

Anyone knows how to remove `ViewTooltip` on outside touch event. > I want `ViewTooltip` to stay until any touch event occurs outside of its view area i've tried workaround suggested...