
Results 22 comments of floratmin

@dominikg I think using the primary language string (and some context if necessary) to be the better option. When a project is fresh and small, creating a hierarchy of keys...

@mabujaber Right to left can be almost completely solved with CSS. You have only to set `dir` on the `body` element to `rtl` or `ltr` with svelte to match the...

Up to now I have only few columns per test case which are affected by the tests and displayed as before/after. I use it already with raise notice and one...

If you export Input not as default it should not output this warning.

I made it work with the following dependencies (vite-plugin-solid v.2.8.1 breaks watch mode): ``` "@solidjs/testing-library": "^0.8.5", "@testing-library/jest-dom": "^6.2.0", "vite": "^5.0.11", "vite-plugin-solid": "=2.8.0", "vitest": "^1.2.1" ``` And these settings: File `vistest.config.ts`:...

I mean any changes which trigger a reload of the test watcher, like changing one letter in a test description or making a change for a test to fail. I...

I created a Dockerfile in which I can reproduce the same error. I added it to my repository. If I build and run the Dockerfile and connect to it from...

I am not using in any way `fetch` from `node`. What cached my eyes is that the `@types/node` for version 20 imports the `undici-types` package. The version for node 18...

I mocked all dependencies out, except the package `effection` and `Fastify`, which imports nothing from any other package. It is still the same issue: [fastify-vitest-shutdown](https://github.com/floratmin/fastify-vitest-shutdown/tree/mocked)