Florian Echtler

Results 91 comments of Florian Echtler

I've been wondering something similar myself; if you search for `*glfw*` in the Emscripten installation, you find quite a bunch of related files, such as `library_glfw.js`. AFAICT most of the...

AFAICT yes, only GLFW for now. Support for other GL frameworks would require writing a new emscripten wrapper first.

Out of curiosity, are there any plans to re-run the challenge this year?

In fact, if someone has a working dual-boot setup with Android and Linux, just running `efibootmgr -v` and posting the output might already be sufficient...

No, I'm quite certain the Android partitions have remained untouched. What might be an option is to try and boot the Android boot partition via GRUB, and just nuke all...

So I've been fiddling with this dualboot crap occasionally for the last half year, and found a lot of things that _didn't_ work: * booting Android directly from GRUB (failure...

Another update: by now, I'm pretty convinced that what messes up the Android install is not actually related to the boot process itself, i.e. it doesn't have to do with...

So I _finally_ have Android/Linux dualboot working. In addition to copying/renaming the GRUB EFI loader, it's also important to disable the automounter for the Android partitions. I've managed to fix...

A slightly more up-to-date documentation is here: https://github.com/floe/tuxblet The gist: when you boot the installer from an USB stick, try adding `systemd.mask=udisks2` to the kernel commandline, then it should not...

FWIW, I can still install `libk4a*` and friends on 22.04 by just continuing to use the 18.04 repo entry, however, the `k4a-tools` package depends on `libsoundio1` which is no longer...