cordova-plugin-nativeaudio copied to clipboard
Callback when file is done playing not working !
In Ionic Native audio plugin The callback methot when a file is done playing not working
playAvecIonNative() {
this.nativeAudio.preloadComplex('id', 'assets/audio/mw1.ogg', 1, 1, 0)
.then(this.onSuccessPreloading, this.onErrorPreload);
onSuccessPreloading = (data) => {'id']).then(this.onSuccessPlaying, this.onErrorPlay);
onSuccessPlaying = (a) => {
alert('Done Playing !');
When i trigger the playAvecIonNative() method to preload and play the audio , the audio file is playing but at the same time the lart method is showing the result.
I have tested in many ways but i’ve got the same results.
It seems to be an issue with the plugin. ???
I have the same problem when i target to browser platform, not sure if this is the same in ios and android. The plugin does not officially support browser so.
Workaround: new Audio() (
If you really can't use new Audio()
for play(), then propably you can still use the Audio() as a hack (does not work with streams or files with unknown duration):
const a: HTMLAudioElement = new Audio(`filename.mp3`);
a.addEventListener('loadeddata', () => {
// When audio is loaded we can access its duration, save duration for later!
console.log('duration', a.duration);
// -> Use setTimeout with duration after
// Or if you can play() with Audio, then:
a.addEventListener('ended', () => {
// In case you play it with, then this callbacks gets called when play ends
console.log('done playing!');
@GUEYEDSMF You probably need to implement your "onSuccessPreloading" function like this:
onSuccessPreloading = (data) => {'id', () => {
//called when the file is done playing>
console.log("File done playing....")>
}).then(this.onSuccessPlaying, this.onErrorPlay);>
play function has signature
play(id: string, completeCallback?: Function): Promise
where you can optionally pass a callback to be called when the file is done playing
This is still an issue!
My non working code:
.play(uniqueId, function () {
Im using:
ionic cordova platform add browser
ionic cordova run browser --prod
(Note: doesnt work on browser, iOS and Android are fine) related issue:
also seems the plugging stopped being maintained 5 years ago :cry: :